Allies of the candidate assassinated in Ecuador ask to postpone the debate scheduled for Sunday

Quito.- The Construye movement, which nominated Fernando Villavicencio to take part in the presidential elections of Ecuador on August 20, asked this Thursday that the mandatory debate between the applicants, scheduled for this Sunday, be deferred.

Antonio López, national director of the Fernando Villavicencio campaign, He considered that the plenary session of the National Electoral Council (CNE) should “defer the presidential debate” due to a fundamental principle of equality.

“We will retire to observe our mourning, a sacred mourning in the family of Fernando Villavicencio and a sacred mourning for the militancy sponsored by the Construye 25 Gente Buena coalition,” he said in statements to the press.

“The debate must be deferred so that, when we decide in a great assembly, who should replace the irreplaceable candidate designated for the Presidency of the Republichave almost similar conditions to be able to debate and that the country knows that this condition also has men and women trained to build a democracy and a country of well-being,” he noted.

White t-shirts and candles

Andrea González, candidate for vice president in the formula with Villavicencio, assured that they are “deeply hurt” and asked citizens for peace, union, and not only to share the news and information that comes from reliable sources.

“It would not be fair to tarnish the name of someone who only wanted to make Ecuador a country of peace,” he said, asserting that “Fernando is irreplaceable” for his movement and for the country.

urged those They want to convey their pain by “hanging and hoisting a white flag in their windows and demonstrating, peacefully, in an evening with white shirts and candles” to remember Villavicencio.

“Political Irrationality”

Patricio Carrillo, former Minister of the Interior and current candidate for national assembly for the Construye movement, expressed his solidarity with “all the victims of all this irrationality that exists in the country.”

“Unfortunately, he said this political irrationality that is leading us to this phenomenon of violence. Today, August 10, that we should be commemorating in Ecuador the day of the Homeland, we have to bury a patriot, that says a lot about the democracy that, unfortunately, Ecuador is living, “he said.

On behalf of the Construye leadership, he asked all political actors “at least silence in these moments of pain for the homeland.”

«It cannot be that those who have tentacles with the mafia are the first to start launching falsehoods and ‘fake news’ through social networks and you, the media, ask you to start filtering. These are moments that are too critical,” he noted.

The murder of Villavicencio “cannot increase the statistics,” he said when commenting that 95% of homicides in Ecuador remain in impunity.

Carrillo asserted that the motivation for the murder is “political” against an actor “who only wanted to help, change the way of doing politics in the country.”

Villavicencio was not only a journalist who “brought the truth”, he was “an important politician but, above all things, he was a defender of democracy, a tireless fighter against corruption, against mafia violence.”


López pointed out that Ecuador “does not deserve the destiny that has been manufactured” but well-being, peace and security.

He opined that “democracy has been riddled with bullets and that the fight against corruption has been crippled.”

“This is an unviable State” with a “threatened and frightened population,” he added when advancing that they will demand that the State Attorney General’s Office and the Judicial Police “carry out an objective and transparent investigation.”

They will also require the presence of an international oversight body, which together with the Ombudsman, guarantees to obtain a truth “so that impunity is not an act of normalization of reprehensible acts.”


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