The feast of the Holy Family is celebrated by Catholics

MIAMI. – This December 30, the Iglesia Catholic celebrates the Day of the Holy Family. This festival honors Saint Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus as the model of Christian families.

In 2001, Pope Saint John Paul II said: “The Redeemer of the world chose the family as the place for his birth and growth, thus sanctifying this fundamental institution of every society.”

The central figure of the Holy Family is the Son of God made man for the salvation of the world and who was conceived in the Blessed Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit, so that Mary would be his Mother in accordance with his human nature.

In this sense, although he is not the biological father of Jesus, Saint Joseph was guided by an angel to assume the responsibilities of fatherhood and exercise his mission as the “Custodian of the Redeemer,” explained Saint John Paul II.

A guiding fact to learn more about the Holy Family are the references to this important figure in two biblical stories: The first two chapters of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke relating to the childhood of Jesus.

The flight of the Holy Family

The Holy Family fled to Egypt for the persecution of King Herod. Upon his return, the Sacred Family lived in Nazareth. This date is celebrated within what the Church calls the Octave of Christmas.

In this way, it represents an invitation to deepen the sense of love and family unity. Additionally, Catholics attend mass on this date.


Source: EWTN/ ACI Press

Tarun Kumar

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