Amaia Romero: from winning OT 2017 to triumphing in Japan and having a plaque in her name

Amaia Romero achieved fame in Spain in 2017 thanks to Operation Triumph. A contest that returned to television after stopping its broadcast in 2011, and that returned in style, bringing forward talents such as Amaia, who ended up winning, and other artists such as Aitana or Lola ndigo, among others.

The one from Pamplona, ​​upon leaving, chose to lead a career with less commercial pull than her former colleagues. Even so, she continued to achieve success after success, also making her first steps as an actress in the Los Javis series, La Mesas, where she plays Cecilia, one of the Puig Bar sisters, who form the Catholic group Stella Maris.

Now, its success has crossed borders, even reaching Asia, specifically in Japan, to Yamaguchi City. There, the artist is a celebrity, and that is due to the song she released at the beginning of 2022, with the title Yamaguchi, referring to the city and a park located in his hometown, in Pamplona. There is a park in my Pamplona. That I want to remember. I bloomed with the cherry trees. From that beautiful place, she begins by saying the song.

On the occasion of this success achieved in Japan, especially for the version of the song in Japanese, the singer has traveled to Yamaguchi, where has received a great tribute. The country’s authorities were waiting for her there, who first thanked her for her work by placing a commemorative plaque with the artist’s name in a park in the Japanese city.

Su visit a Yamaguchi

Amaia herself also appeared on Japan’s public radio and television corporation, NHK, where she did not hesitate to show her astonishment: I’m hallucinating. He visited different media outlets, sang live and direct, and promoted some of the live shows he offers there.


The image of Amaia Romero in Japan.

To this we must also add that he participated in an event where local authorities were present, and where he signed the cover of the issue in Japanese.

It is worth highlighting the brotherhood that exists between Pamplona and the Japanese city that began in 1980, since in Spain there is the Yamaguchi Park, created by Japanese landscapers as an emblem.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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