Between what half balled up y He half took out the courage he had savedthe president of Mexico ended up doing a complete mistake. Now, in his attempt to claim those who oppose his massive projects —especially to its refineries—, AMLO term fighting with the word ‘environment’. Yes, with the word.

“I don’t like the word anymore, how do you mean ‘environment’?”the president told reporters that were encouraged to attend his conference at the National Palace of the monday may 1 —which is an official holiday.

AMLO talking about the word ‘environment’ // Photo: Cuartoscuro

“Well, where was the other medium?”ended up wondering the arithmetic president.

“Where was the other medium?” AMLO wonders

Almost scratching 10 in the morning, when the National Palace conference had been more than 2 and a half hours to have started, AMLO I speak of the industrial projects that are carried out in his government such as industrial parks or refineries.

After lashed out at people who disagree with these constructions whom he called “vulgar ambitious who go with the flag of the environment.”

And it was at that moment that AMLO He released his phrase that caused a few muffled laughs. “I don’t like the word anymore, how do you mean ‘environment’? Where did the other medium go?.

You can see this phrase worthy of Baldor in it 2:48:06 from the video below:

After the answer —which generated some chuckles— AMLO gave alternatives for the word he doesn’t like. “Environment, conservation of the environment, ecology or protection of nature”recommended.

“Half” is not just “half”

Although it was half a joke —oo medio no—it is worth noting that the word half has many definitions and of course, does not always refer to “half”.

It can also refer to element in which beings liveto the Physical spaces that surround us or even at the circumstances that influence the development and activities of any living being. And those definitions were just with a fast nailed to the dictionary of the RAE.

Photo: Presidency.

In Mexico, even, the word Environment is used officially in the SEMARNATthe Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources.


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