You are currently viewing An unfinished life: Robert Redford almost got the role stolen from one of his best friends

In 2006 the drama was released An unfinished life in the cinema, directed by Lasse Hallström. The film, currently available on Netflix, follows the story of Einar Gilkyson, a retired farmer who has put his past behind him. Still affected by the death of his only son, which occurred ten years earlier, he gave up on his ranch, just like his marriage. He now only has respect for his old friend and employee Mitch, who was seriously injured by a grizzly bear. While Einar plans to isolate himself to die alone, in peace and sadness, his daughter-in-law Jean, whom he holds responsible for the death of his son, arrives in town penniless. She arrives with Griff, aged 11, who she claims is Einar’s own granddaughter – and whose existence he did not know. From one day to the next, Einar sees his peaceful life turned upside down and old resentments resurface… Robert Redford brilliantly embodies the role of Einar, who was initially supposed to go to his best friend!

An unfinished life on Netflix: Paul Newman almost played Einar

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If today, it would be difficult to imagine another actor than Robert Redford in the shoes of Einar, it is nevertheless his best friend, Paul Newmanwhich was initially envisaged by the production. He was almost certain he would play the role, until Robert Redford passed him by! In reality, it was mainly because of his friend’s health problems that the now 87-year-old actor was chosen. A wise decision, but above all totally justified by the talent of Robert Redford.

How did Robert Redford prepare for the role of Einard in An unfinished life ?

Leslie Holleran, the producer of the dramatic film, confided during the release ofAn unfinished life how much Robert Redford had invested in his role. To give additional realism to Einar’s story, he sought to understand the farmers’ way of life : “The life of farmers has today become something almost obsolete, and agriculture, which is the foundation of our culture, is being sidelined in favor of technology and real estate. In families in the region, people don’t talk much because they work so hard. There, we respect our word and a certain code of honor.” A deeply touching encounter between city and countryside.

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Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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