The Ombudsman requested this Thursday the Social Security (EsSalud) to expedite the preparation and execution of an isolated euthanasia protocol for Ana Estradaactivist and symbol of the right to dignified death in Peru.

Last February, the Judiciary ordered respect for the decision to “put an end to his life” through this medical procedure in a sentence in which it also established the formation of two commissions.

The first must prepare a plan that specifies the care and technical aspects of the decision made and a protocol for compliance with their right to a dignified death, and the second will practice euthanasia itself.

Communication from the Defense Office on Ana Estrada
Communication from the Defense Office on Ana Estrada

The ruling also ordered Es Salud to “provide all the administrative, benefits and health conditions for the exercise of the right” of the activist, “which must be executed within ten business days from the moment or date on which she expresses her will to end his life.

“We remember that the right to a dignified death Ana Estrada depends on the collaboration of EsSalud, which has the obligation to form two commissions (…), according to the schedule established in the sentence. We look forward to the prompt execution and delivery of these documents,” the agency said in a statement posted on Twitter.

Diagnosed since she was 12 years old with polymyositis, a disease that weakens her muscles and keeps her connected to an artificial respirator for almost the entire day, the activist continues “waiting for Essalud to comply with the schedule.”


“This delay takes away the seriousness and care of such a complex issue. It is not only about me, but about the dimension and progress in the conquest of a fundamental right, ”she demanded in a message on the same social network.



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