You are currently viewing Ana Rosa Quintana makes a drastic decision to improve the audience of ‘TardeAR’

One of the novelties that premiered the current television season was the evening debut of one of the morning queens. Ana Rosa Quintana took charge of TardeARin addition to the strategy devised by the Fuencarral chain, with the aim of conquering the afternoons. However, this movement has not recorded the results that Mediaset expected: not only has it not managed to lead its time slot, but has fallen to third position which leaves Telecinco far behind the competition that just a month ago it sought to overtake. They smile at And now Sonsoles.

This situation has had direct consequences on set. The host of the format herself said the first week that “we could have gone better”, in a euphemism that actually hid a fearful reality: that they are still far from recovering the data that Sálvame indicated at this same time. And, as if that were not enough, the circumstance had a handicap. As revealed exclusively The PluralAna Rosa was going to absent from your program every Friday to preserve her health due to breast cancer that already dragged her off television months ago. I would work from Monday to Thursday to avoid high-stress scenarios. But the negative audience data has turned the tables. And the presenter, a knock on the table: The journalist has skipped this same recommendation to revive the numbers of the television space.

Change in strategy and same results

The same day that he made public this departure from the set, he also clarified that that first Friday he would work to be able to close the first week of the program. However, the latter has also returned to the set after audience data fell sharply again on Thursday. and after a good start to the week that has represented a strange mirage in the desert of the audience panels.

Despite the driver’s efforts, TardeAR has not shown signs of recovery from an illness that almost seems to spread pathologically to the rest of Telecinco formats since the beginning of the year. Without going any further, this Friday it repeated its minimum in screen share with 9.5%. And although it added 729,000 viewers on average compared to 711,000 the previous day, as pointed out from Formulatvthe signs are not good. On Monday it had registered its historical maximum share with 11.3%proving that on television you can go from everything to nothing in a matter of days.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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