Andrea Bueno, from Temptation Island, admits that she has Alvaro's mother tattooed: It itches when I get angry

You know me for having messed up in Temptation Island, but that’s behind us… Thanks to Mtmad I have the opportunity for you to get to know me a little better, with these words Andrea Bueno has inaugurated her channel. The controversial former contestant of the seventh edition returns to the front line of the media with a video in which he opens the doors of his tattoo studio and reveals the controversial tattoo that she wears in tribute to the mother of Álvaro Álvarez, her boyfriend with whom she participated in the Telecinco reality show.

The young woman, 18 years old, begins her career on the Mediaset video platform by explaining what her profession is. I am a tattoo artist, although I prefer to say that I am an artist, that I put art on the bodies of others. I started a few years ago and Alvaro taught me, she says. I stopped studying to start tattooing, I regret it a lot, he adds. The little money she earned was used at home because she was already independent with him. I’ve never been one to party much, she keeps saying.

Regarding her passion for ink, Andrea Bueno admits that today she has five tattoos spread all over her body. The one who gives the most to talk about? The one he wears in honor of his mother-in-law, Inma. I have the name of Alvaro’s mother on my leg and I did it myself. It was when she died and I was very fond of her, I spent a lot of time with her. She was the one I liked best in that family: the most real and direct, she explains.

I thought she would be my children’s grandmother. I got that tattoo on her day and I don’t regret it. She was my first mother-in-law and the first death that I experienced of someone close to me. I always carry it with me, adds the young woman. Furthermore, she confesses that every time she gets angry, she itches this tattoo. When I got angry with Álvaro, he would bite me and I would say baby, it’s happening to me again and he would tell me: she’s my mother.he confesses with his usual sense of humor.


  • The Telecinco format hosted by Sandra Barneda has also served to reinforce some love stories and create new ones that still last.

  • Andrea Bueno, from Temptation Island, admits that she has Alvaro's mother tattooed: It itches when I get angry

    The former contestant of the third edition remembers the controversy on her social networks and sends a message to the current GH Do 2 participant: I have to thank you.

Reveal the ins and outs of LIDLT

Despite her short-lived stint on The Island of Temptations 7, Andrea Bueno has become one of the great protagonists of this edition. Although he no longer has minutes on television, The young woman has managed to garner a large community of fans on her social networks where he maintains very close contact with them.

In one of her latest posts on TikTok, the Andalusian has answered some of the most repeated questions regarding the ins and outs of the reality show hosted by Sandra Barneda on Telecinco. Can the contestants smoke?, a follower asks. Do you remember when I said I’m going to reflect and left? Well, it’s not that I had a squeeze, no. It’s just that I was going to smoke, she explains.

The truth is that the vast majority of reality television shows allow the contestants to continue with their habit during the contest, although always off camera to comply with current audiovisual legislation. In programs like Big Brother they usually refer to it as I’m going to the beach.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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