Another person involved in the murder of prosecutor Marcelo Pecci is sentenced in Colombia

BOGOTA.- A Colombian court declared this Monday Margareth Chacón Zúñiga guilty of financing and coordinating logistics in the murder of the Paraguayan prosecutor Marcelo Pecciwhich occurred in May 2022 while she was enjoying her honeymoon in the Colombian Caribbean.

Chacón, romantic partner of Andrés Pérez Hoyoswho was already sentenced in May 2023 along with his brother Ramón to 25 years in prison for this crime, was arrested a year ago in El Salvador, where he was hiding.

According to the accusation, Chacón was completely involved in the planning of Pecci’s murder, participating in several meetings where the crime was hatched and providing the vehicle that the perpetrators used to transport the weapons used in the homicide.

Pecci’s family, supported by the defense, celebrates the verdict and now hopes that Justice will impose the maximum penalty for this type of crime, which could reach 50 years in prison, according to the Colombian press.

In addition to Chacón and the Pérez Hoyos brothers, four other people were already sentenced last year to 23 years in prison for their participation in this crime, which took place on May 10 on the island of Barú, in the Colombian Caribbean, while Pecci enjoyed his honeymoon with his wife, Claudia Aguilera.

Source: With information from Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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