You are currently viewing Antoine Dupont injured: how long does it take to heal a maxillo-zygomatic fracture?

Hit heavily in the face against Namibia on Thursday September 21, Antoine Dupont suffered a maxillo-zygomatic fracture during the match. An injury which could mean the end of the 2023 Rugby World Cup for the captain of the Blues.

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In the world of rugby, France is known for its “French flair”. In other words, a style of play based on speed and improvisation. Improvising, a quality that French coach Fabien Galthié has already experienced since the start of the competition. He and his staff have already been faced with a cascade of injuries (Romain Ntamack, Cyril Baille, Julien Marchand) and may even have to do without their leader and captain Antoine Dupont, who was injured during the match against Namibia on Thursday. September 21, in the 2023 Rugby World Cup.

Antoine Dupont injured: duration of unavailability known within 48 to 72 hours

In the 46th minute of the crushing French victory against the Namibians (96-0) counting for the third group match, a chill ran through the Vélodrome stadium. Violently hit in the face during a dangerous tackle by his opponent Johan Deysel, the captain had to leave his partners prematurely. The Federation communicated on the exact nature of the injury. The captain has a maxillo-zygomatic fracture. “A specialist surgical opinion was requested to precisely define the duration of unavailability. Antoine Dupont remains with the France group” specified the authority. Whoever is the voice of certain SNCF stations during the Rugby World Cup will have to consult the advice of a specialist. Once the hematoma has resolved, the nature and therefore the duration of unavailability will be known, within forty-eight to seventy-two hours. Among the most optimistic scenarios, the possibility of Dupont playing with protection.

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Rugby World Cup 2023: what is a “maxillozygomatic fracture“of which Antoine Dupont is a victim?

Maxillozygomatic fracture“. The term may seem abstruse. Each person has two zygomatic bones, which constitute the cheekbone. They allow shocks to be absorbed, hence their exposure in the event of heavy contact. Above all, any operation should be avoided. to limit as much as possible the absence of Antoine Dupont. In the event of a small fracture or crack, intervention will not be obligatory. Especially since if it has a small crack, the risk of being injured again during the next contact is very high. It will be necessary to put in place a protocol so that it does not touch the area, but the resumption of contacts can also oscillate. Some say that it would only take place within three to four weeks, i.e. a possible semi-final for the Blues. A professional club doctor contacted by the Team ensures thata player can play again, in the best case, between 7 and 10 days after the fracture. In more troublesome cases, if the fracture is poorly placed, displaced, or there are muscular connections or the associated eye orbit, the injured person can therefore be arrested for several weeks. At any rate, the very probable quarter-final of France on October 14 or 15 seems compromised for Antoine Dupont. A little more if the orbital floor is affected. This type of trauma would require immobilization for around six weekssynonymous with the end of the world championship for the best player in the world 2021.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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