Antonio Lobato will narrate Formula 1 on DAZN, which negotiates with Cristinini and Vctor Abad

Antonio Lobato will continue to lead the Formula 1 narratives on DAZN, as revealed The Digital Confidential from specialized sources. Apparently, the Asturian journalist would agree with the latest offer presented by the platform to continue in the discipline where he has earned so much recognition.

This way, the soap opera about the future of the communicator is finally overwhich will continue to be linked to Formula 1 on the platform streaming as the main presenter of this sport in Spain, after a rapprochement that began at the beginning of this year.

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According to sources who are aware of the negotiation between the Asturian and the platform, this one would have already given the OK and, if you have not signed, You would only find yourself missing a couple of procedures to close the contract.

Rest of the squad

For its part, the platform wants to integrate within the Frmula 1 team to the streamer Cristinini, who negotiates with the management of DAZN, with which he would have already done some work in the women’s soccer section. However, they still won’t have anything closed.

Also They will be interested in incorporating Vctor Abadhe youtuber which presents the F1 Code program, the space that ran on Mondays after the weekend races.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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