Antonio Tejado's mother goes to prison to visit her son

One week of the arrest that has paralyzed the press. Antonio Tejadonephew of María del Monte, entered provisional prison last Monday for allegedly participating in the robbery of his aunt’s home. Since then, the whirlwind of information about how those events unfolded has only swirled around to create a media tornado. to which people from their closest environment are now inevitably drawn.


  • The one who was the partner of María del Monte’s nephew, and with whom she has a daughter, wanted to show her support by pointing out that she is not in a good moment.

  • Antonio Tejado's reaction upon being arrested: He realized that he had no escape

    The singer’s nephew, who has been in provisional prison since Monday, was with the assailants after the event, according to Carlos Quílez.

This same Saturday, after María del Monte testified the day before in the courts of Seville, one of the most important visits for Tejado took place: His mother, María José, and his last girlfriend, Samara, have gone to the Seville prison. Both have done so visibly affected, wrapped in the aforementioned hurricane that moves across their cheeks. the tears that have escaped at the doors of the penitentiary center.

Two important supports

Both were waiting for this first meeting with Tejado since the arrest took place. Upon arrival, María José received a phone call: He picked up the phone with seriousness tattooed on his facial expression and, right after, he couldn’t stop the nerves from unleashing the avalanche. She began to cry, in pain.


Leandro WassaulEuropa Press

In the same entry, Samara, who walked with her head down, asked the media present there to leave her alone.who wants to remain in the background.

This visit is nothing more than an in-person reflection of the support they have provided to Tejado at all times. Last Monday, the day she entered prison, María José was optimistic and firm in her support for her daughter. I trust in the innocence of my son, he said then. Then she tried to show everyone that, in episodes like this, there are few things comparable to a mother’s pain: Imagine how I am. I can’t stand. I respect your work above all. Many things that are being said that are not true hurt me. I am calm, with a lot of suffering that I have, you can imagine.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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