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Netflix Games has with Storyteller get further growth. The group is increasingly focusing on games.

The streaming service keeps adding free games for its customers. The title is provided by Netflix on iOS for free to its subscribers.

Tell story in book

The puzzler presents you with pages from a story book that you have to fill in yourself. This is how you tell a story step by step.

Fun puzzle game for the whole family

An enchanted book full of stories lies before you with blank pages. Now you have to become a storyteller in all categories by filling the virtual pages with legends full of romance, magic, adventure and intrigue.

This creates a kind of comic thanks to a library full of animated scenes and characters. The characters can make decisions in real time.

Your task is to win the crown of the best storyteller. Fun for the whole family, provided you have a Netflix subscription.


Photo: Netflix, Inc. @ App Store

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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