Cardinal Christoph Schönborn explained in a first reaction after the news of his death became known: “I think of Pope Benedict with great gratitude, with whom I was connected for decades.” It also said: “Benedict XVI. was a companion and role model for me as a theologian, priest and bishop. Now he can fully experience the friendship of Jesus, which he proclaimed,” said the Archbishop of Vienna. Vienna’s St. Stephen’s Cathedral receives a mourning flag – more on this in

The Chairman of the Austrian Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Franz Lackner of Salzburg, expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the Pope Emeritus. Benedict’s legacy is his “love for the church and its teaching” – more on that in The Innsbruck diocesan bishop Hermann Glettler paid tribute to Benedict’s theological writings – more on this in

Benedict XVI is dead

Almost ten years ago, the Pope from Bavaria made history with his surprising resignation. The pontiff emeritus died in the Vatican on Saturday at the age of 95, according to the Holy See.

In Austria, after Benedict’s death became known, the pummerin of St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna rang for five minutes as a sign of mourning. The bells of the cathedral churches throughout Austria also joined in the mourning ring.

Van der Bellen: Connection to Austria

Austria’s head of state was deeply affected by Bendikt’s death. “He had a special bond with Austria. On behalf of the Republic and also personally, I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy today,” wrote Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen on Twitter. Benedict XVI I have “always placed the importance of dialogue between religions and cultures in the foreground”. Van der Bellen announced that the flag at the Presidential Chancellery would be flown at half-staff.

Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) described the deceased as a great personality and great scholar at a young age. “He had a particularly appreciative relationship with Austria, I remember his visit to our country in 2007 well. May he rest in peace,” wrote Nehammer on Twitter.

Scholz: “Special Church Leader”

The mourning for Joseph Ratzinger, who was born in Bavaria in 1927, is also great in Germany. “His faith, his intellect, his wisdom and his human modesty have always impressed me deeply,” said German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Benedict was “a special church leader”, according to Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder ordered mourning flags to be displayed at all government offices in the Free State. “We mourn our Bavarian Pope,” said Söder.

Reactions to the death of Benedict XVI.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI died on Saturday. at the age of 95 in the Vatican. Internationally, there were numerous reactions to his death. Federal President Van der Bellen also expressed his condolences.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni called Benedict a “giant of faith and reason”. “He was a person who put his life at the service of the universal Church and spoke to people’s hearts with the spiritual, cultural and intellectual depth of his teaching ministry,” said Meloni.

Von der Leyen: “He saw himself as a servant of God”

French President Emmanuel Macron called Benedict XVI. a champion for a more fraternal world. “My thoughts are with the Catholics in France and around the world who are united around His Holiness Benedict XVI. mourn who worked with soul and mind for a more fraternal world,” said Macron.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen expressed her condolences to all Catholics. With his resignation from the papacy in 2013, Benedict sent a strong signal, von der Leyen wrote on Twitter. And: “He saw himself first as a servant of God and his church. As his physical strength waned, he continued to serve through the power of his prayers.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin paid tribute to the late Benedict XVI. as a “defender of traditional Christian values”. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he was “saddened” by the death of the Pope Emeritus. According to Poland’s President Andrzej Duda, the world has lost “one of the most extraordinary theologians of the 20th and 21st centuries”. Ireland’s President Michael D. Higgins praised the “unwavering interest” of Benedict XVI. on peace in Northern Ireland.

Gänswein: Pope remained “completely human”

The private secretary of the late Pope Benedict XVI, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, highlighted the strong human side of the deceased. In an obituary published by the “Bild” newspaper on Saturday, Gänswein wrote: “Benedict was not a Pope actor and even less a callous Pope automaton. He was and remained fully human even on the throne of Peter.”

The Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Cyril, paid tribute to Benedict XVI. as an “eminent theologian” and champion of “traditional values”. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, designated Benedict XVI. as “one of the greatest theologians of his time”.


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