Being Cuban is an honor

MIAMI.- Remember: from the Latin memories, is to pass through the heart again a succession of deep-rooted, clear or diffuse images that marked the existence of a human being. Even rescue them from apparent oblivion or make them germinate in those who carry the tremor of a seed, grafted into the soul. In life there are things that, irreducibly, leave a deep mark. Some are unaware of it, others cling like the shipwrecked man who imagines land in the midst of desperation and uncertainty. Cuba Nostalgia It is that savior island to go to the rescue and preserve the Cuban.

For Jorge Carballo, president and general manager of Telemundo 51 Through the years Cuba Nostalgia has been a very important event in our community, also necessary to maintain Cuban roots because in new generations traditions, customs, even culture are lost. It is that flame that keeps our Cuban life alive. An effort that the community greatly appreciates. Who has not gone to Cuba Nostalgia?

In conversation with DIARIO LAS AMERICAS Carballo emphasized the need to get closer to youth in this attempt to preserve the guidelines that identify us as a nationality. Although the guajirito from the province is still latent in his words. I came from Cuba very young, at 8 years old, I was lucky to experience some of those things and that my mother and father kept my Cuban life alive, but I look at my grandchildren and I say that can be lost, hence the value of Cuba Nostalgia: to germinate interest in traditions, until they obtain fruits.

For many, one breathes more, one discovers more Cubanness in exile as a result of the dehumanizing work of the Cuban dictatorship. Appropriating, hijacking and manipulating history. Driving generations away from sympathy with their own true heroes (Jos Mart, Antonio Maceo) because in a certain way they were identified with the Castro process.

It is important that new generations immerse themselves in our history. I remember when I was in high school that after finishing my classes I went to San Juan Bosco and there I learned a lot, they taught me about my country; not only music, drink, or gastronomy but also determining facts in our formation and heritage, Carballo recognizes and adds the importance of creating or using films or documentaries for instruction to these topics.

Then those flashes appear again. I am from Pinar del Rio. I came to the United States on December 3, 1969 as part of the so-called Freedom Flights with my mother and a brother. However, Carballo was no stranger to the via crucis of family separation, to the ordeal of immigrants forced by an inoperative social and political system. Carballo remained in that anxiety for more than a decade until his reunion with his family in 1980.

Regarding the role within the media, he maintains that understanding our community is part of the magic of the media’s impact. That is why Telemundo 51 is so successful and reinforces the idea of ​​providing support and focusing communication actions of help and instruction to the community.

The immigrant cycle defines it that way. To these twists and turns where people who leave their homes struggle. And where that helping hand is essential to guide you and avoid making mistakes.

The Cuban, that multifaceted concept that encapsulates the vibrant essence, the rich cultural diversity and the burning passion that defines Cuba is shown on the surface, between Carballo’s laughter and nostalgic gaze. The Cuban for me is an honor. Something rooted deep in my heart. Even with most of my life outside Cuba it has always been there. Thank you for being able to live and surround myself with my family who always held the Cuban flag high, highlights the president of Telemundo 51.

Nostalgia is, indisputably, a melancholic feeling that weaves invisible threads between the past and the present, that whispers memories in the deepest corners of the soul, leaving a trail of longing. It’s an emotional journey. Of course, silent tears and flashes of a future appear.

What exactly does “Cubanidad” mean? The answer seems simple: it refers to the essence of what is Cuban, its idiosyncrasy, its distinctive character and its uniqueness in the global context. However, the inevitable question arises: what defines what is Cuban? The notion of Cuba is not uniform for everyone, it transcends its geography; It is an expression with international impact, whose meaning grows in the hearts of its people.

Therefore the memories of Jorge Carballo and his support for initiatives that rescue that feeling. Hence the hierarchical place of Cuba Nostalgia in the soul of Cubans.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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