Biden calls for respect for democracy after Trump assassination: We are not enemies

July 13, 2024 will go down in history books as the day that former president and new presidential candidate, Donald Trump, suffered an assassination attemptbeing the first presidential attack recorded since Ronald Raegan, in 1981.

The former White House leader was holding a campaign event in Butler, Pennsylvania, at the time of the shooting. Trump was showing a graphic of border crossings when the explosions occurred. The Republican brought his right hand to his neck, while blood ran from his ear to his face. Immediately, The Secret Service protected Trump and held him on the ground until the shooter was killed.

Once the danger ceases, Trump returned with his fist in the air, as a symbol of resistance. The shooter was identified as Thomas Matthew Crook, age 20who entered the vicinity of the place where Trump was holding his rally with a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle, allegedly legally acquired by his father. In addition to the shooter, the incident ended the lives of a rally attendee and left two other people seriously injured. Hours after the attack, Trump confirmed that a bullet managed to graze his right ear, but that he was safe.

Biden calls for respect for democracy after attack on Donald Trump

After the attack, President Biden issued a statement from the Oval Office, condemning the actions against his opponent, Donald Trump. Throughout his speech, Biden denounced political violence and called on Americans to lower the temperature and remember that When we disagree, we are not enemies; we are neighbors, friends, coworkers.

Yesterday’s attack calls us to take a step back, to analyze where we are and how we are going to move forward. We do not yet know the motive of the attacker. (…) Police authorities are currently investigating the questions, expres Biden

The President also compared the attack on Trump with the attack on the husband of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Paul, last year and the supposed attempted kidnapping of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

A former president was shot, an American citizen was murdered. Politics cannot become a battlefield, it must be a peaceful debate, Biden aggregate. The political rhetoric in this country has become very heated. American democracy is where arguments are presented in good faith…where the rule of law is respected. It’s time to calm down. We all have the responsibility to do so..

Previously, it was announced that Biden contacted Trump directly as soon as he learned of the incident, an act the Republican praised.

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How is Donald Trump?

After being reported safe and just 24 hours after the attack, Trump traveled to Milwaukee, where he landed around 6:00 pm this Sunday, to be part of the Republican Conventionwhere his candidacy will be officially announced and His running mate for the general elections on November 5 will be announced.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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