Biden's lapses and Trump's firmness mark the presidential debate in the US

President Joe Biden and the former president Donald Trumpfaced each other this Thursday in a historic debate, which will be remembered for the lapses of the Democrat and the firmness and self-confidence shown by the Republican.

American voters were shocked by this debate that is generating a wave of memes on social mediabecause the candidates gave a show that was difficult to beat.

In it Democratic Party Some representatives believe it is appropriate to change the candidate. Biden appeared calm, but he struggled to keep up with the pace of the debate, stammering, losing the thread of the conversation and giving the audience signs of distraction.

Ten most important points from the presidential debate between Biden and Trump

  1. Biden’s lapse: The Democratic president had trouble getting his messages across and had difficulties with his voice due to the flu, prompting mockery from Trump. The Democrat’s stammering and incomplete sentences gave rise to jokes and mockery on social media. Some Internet users questioned his mental capacity and considered him incapable of leading the country.
  2. Trump’s aggressiveness: The Republican candidate seemed confident and somewhat aggressive. He was reacting mockingly to Biden’s ramblings. The candidates did not shake hands at the beginning of the debate.
  3. EconomyBiden criticized Trump’s economic management during the pandemic, while Trump defended his tenure as the largest economy in U.S. history.
  4. Abortion: Trump clarified that he will not block medical abortions if he is elected president. He mentioned three exceptions to allowing abortion: in cases of rape, incest and risk to the mother’s life. Instead, Biden promised to codify Roe v. Wade into law if he is re-elected.
  5. MigrationTrump accused Biden of opening the country to criminals and promised to close the southern border and order mass deportations. He said that during his term there was the period of greatest border security. Biden rejected these accusations and called them ridiculous, despite the fact that one of his recent measures has been precisely to close the border to illegal immigration.
  6. Foreign policy: The conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza were discussed. Biden accused Trump of wanting to leave NATO, while Trump criticized spending on military aid for Ukraine and promised to end that country’s war with Russia.
  7. Climate changeBiden accused Trump of failing to act on this issue, which is the “greatest threat facing humanity.” The Republican said he was not willing to sign the Paris Agreement because it would be costly for the US and countries like Russia and China would be exempt from the effort.
  8. Insults and personal accusationsBiden called Trump a “fool” and a “loser,” accusing him of disrespecting veterans and being chosen by U.S. presidential historians as the worst president the country has ever had. Trump mentioned his intention to “get revenge” by winning the election.
  9. Fair electionsTrump said he would only agree to respect the outcome of the presidential election “if it’s fair” and suggested Biden won the presidency by cheating. The Democrat did not acknowledge the allegation.
  10. Funny momentsThe debate included humorous moments such as a discussion about golf, in which Trump asked “not to act like children” and claimed to be the most physically fit and mentally agile. Biden responded by calling him childish.

The meeting was broadcast on CNN at 9:00 pm. The next debate is organized by ABC News and it will be on September 10, when the parties designate their final candidates in July and August. It is likely that the Democrats will change their leader, after what was seen this Thursday

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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