Big Joke sentences the future of Daniel Sancho: There is no escape

The Sancho case is in a key phase. It was last Monday, November 13, when Daniel Sancho learned in a new oral hearing the three crimes of which the Thai Prosecutor’s Office accuses him: premeditated murder, concealment of the body and destruction of other people’s documentation. A series of charges of which he only acknowledged two and He pleaded not guilty to the premeditated crime, alleging that the fatal outcome was due to a very strong fight. between Edwin Arrieta and him.

Big Joke, the number two in the Thai police, does not believe this new version of the accused. He makes it this clear in his last interview with the Telecinco program TardeAR where he decides the future of the son of Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo. You’re going to spend a lot of time here, he begins by saying. The media agent considers that the Spaniard is making a mistake and that the strategy he is carrying out is not correct. He has a changing and coherent attitude, he adds, ensuring that the possible sentence reduction is increasingly distant.

The police officer considers that recognizing participation in the crime, as well as the charges, is vital to improving his situation. The majority of those sentenced to death confess to reduce their sentence and ask for a life sentence, he says. The same thing happens with the king. Show mercy to the convict for good behavior to reduce his punishmentade.


Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, detained in Thailand.DAILYNEWSvia REUTERS

Furthermore, Big Joke destroys any possibility of Daniel Sancho serving part of his sentence in our country. I assure you that we will not return him to Spain, he says in the space hosted by Ana Rosa Quintana. If the crime is committed in Thailand, the accused must be prosecuted here, he continues to explain. The Thai insists that if he continues to deny the crime, he will be sentenced to death and that He will have to spend more than 40 years in prison and will be old when he comes out. It’s the punishment he deserves. He has ruined his life by committing this crime.

About the investigation

Big Joke says that the constant changes in his version make Daniel Sancho lose credibility. He feigned innocence when he went to the police station to report his best friend Edwin missing. We had to look for evidence to investigate it. Afterwards his testimony changed. We knew it was him, but we didn’t know where the body was until we inspected the room. where there were many blood stains, he says.

Criticism of Sancho’s lawyers

TardeAR also collects Big Joke’s opinion on the strategy of the accused’s lawyers: I think Daniel Sancho gave that testimony because he did not have a good lawyer to advise him. If he had it he would not have confessed and he would have had another strategy. As for the current defender of Spanish, he adds: The lawyer is not the best in the country because from our point of view He doesn’t have enough money to hire someone to fight for him in this case.ditch.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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