The Mexican Security Cabinet met in Washington with US officials to address various issues, such as the fight against fentanyl and migration

Members of the Mexican Security Cabinet met with US officials this Thursday in Washington as part of a bilateral meeting in which the fight against fentanyl, arms trafficking and immigration will be addressed.

The Mexican delegation – headed by Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard– arrived from Wednesday, April 12 to the United States (USA). As part of this meeting, the Secretary of Public Security, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, shared a photograph of the dialogue between the two countries from the White House.

“Convinced that coordinated work gives better results, we started a bilateral meeting to combat the trafficking of synthetic drugs and firearms,” ​​Rosa Icela commented through her Twitter account. And she added that during the course of the day security issues will also be addressed, public health and prevention.

Shortly before 7:00 a.m., the Head of the Office of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SRE), Daniel Millan, published a short video in which the arrival at the White House of the Mexican officials who will participate in this meeting is observed. Among them is Roberto Velasco, head of the Unit for North America, Esteban Moctezuma, Mexico’s ambassador to the US, as well as the Secretary of the Navy, Rafael Ojeda.

Fentanyl and firearms trafficking will be the main issues to be addressed in Washington, during the meeting between Mexico and the US (Photo: Twitter@rosaicela_)

Information in development…


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