While Fede Valverde triumphed with Uruguay this week in the qualifiers for the next World Cup, his partner, Mina Bonino suffered a health mishap which she reported on her social networks and for which, finally, she had to undergo emergency surgery.

The Argentine journalist, who seemed to be sick to her stomach, began by uploading an image of herself to her Instagram stories in which He asked for his pain to be cured. “Someone cure my pain, please?” she wrote.

Although the self-diagnosis of the Real Madrid player’s partner was not correct, since hours later he returned to post another photograph of her dressed in the hospital nightgown after undergoing emergency surgery.

Without stopping encouraging Valverde

And what the journalist suffered, as she herself told her followers, was a the beginning of peritonitisfor which he had to undergo surgery: “I want to cut my balls”He said.


Of course, between one image and the other he did not lack time to send a message of support for Fede Valverdeimmersed in the concentration of his selection: “For Beni and Bauti. Lets go dad”he wrote next to an image of the footballer with the names of his children tattooed.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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