Even if it takes some time: If you book your trip online, you should not just tick the box under the general terms and conditions. You should keep this in mind in order to be prepared for possible problems.

Book the flight, reserve the rental car, choose the holiday apartment: anyone who books a trip on the Internet will eventually come across the so-called AGB, the general terms and conditions. These conditions should definitely be looked at before the conclusion.

It may even be that several terms and conditions apply at the same time, explains the European Consumer Center Germany (EVZ). For example, when you book a holiday home in Italy via a German online portal.

And who is responsible if there is a problem? According to Alexander Wahl, a lawyer at EVZ, that depends on what it is about. Errors in mediation affect the portal, for example, while defects in the holiday home affect the Italian landlord. But often the assignment is not so easy. The expert’s tip: “If in doubt, contact both places.”

Save contract terms

In addition, it can happen that a travel provider later unilaterally changes the contract in some places. This is actually forbidden, but according to the EVZ it happens again and again.

Tip: Save the terms and conditions on your computer when you sign the contract. This way you will have proof later in the event of a dispute. “The conditions from the time I signed the contract always apply,” says Alexander Wahl.

However, enforcing these rights is not always so easy. According to the expert, this often leads to court proceedings. All the better if the terms and conditions are in writing. In such cases, consumers can also contact the EVZ.

Read important passages in advance

In order to rule out possible problems from the outset, bookers should read the terms and conditions before ticking – at least the passages that could be relevant in the event of a dispute.

Tip: Use the search function in the browser or PDF to search for specific keywords. According to the EVZ, these are generally the most important: costs, term, delivery, termination, revocation, withdrawal, defects, warranty, terms of payment and cancellation. (dpa)

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