what a life after Incognito boss ? This Monday, January 16 on M6, viewers witnessed a new immersion. Frédéric Murat, the co-founder of Coursier.fr, one of the leaders in home delivery, slipped into the shoes of Stéphane, supposed to be a future manager of a delivery site in training. Strong with hair dye, glasses and a mustache, the manager was able to evolve alongside five employees, in Paris, Bordeaux and Lyon. All of them have been invited this Monday evening by Frédéric Murat to attend the screening of Incognito boss at company headquarters, in Paris. “Everyone is well“, reassures the leader.

Are Dawid and Mohammed still part of Coursiers.fr?

First to appear during this eventful evening, Dawid quickly discovered that it was his boss who was hiding behind Stéphane, because of a tattoo. “Everything is going very well for him. November and December were a bit rough, under pressure, but he is still faithful to the job“, comments Frédéric Murat, who assures that Mohammed is also still part of the company. The latter agreed to train the new couriers.

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Océane, nostalgic for the field

In Bordeaux, Oceanewho was praised during the show for her interpersonal skills, became a dispatcher, a position of responsibility which allows it to exceed the symbolic bar of 2000 euros of monthly net remuneration. “Océane left the field to supervise the couriers”, confirms the owner of the site. And to add:She has adapted schedules to be able to take care of her little boy, drop him off at the nanny’s in the morning and pick him up. She lacks the land so she still does a little“.

Jordan, soon in training and Ademe in a trial period

Finally, in Lyon, place of the last immersion, Jordan the mechanic is about to begin his training to become a referent on electrical breakdowns for the fleet of vehicles. “He is super motivated, he has the banana“, rejoices Frédéric Murat. As for Ademewho has almost unmasked his boss because of his fake mustache, he became a dispatcher, like Océane. With a 20% salary increase. “He is in his second month of probation. Everything is fine. I have very good feedback from his manager. He is very educational“, underlines the co-founder of the home delivery company.

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