Floods increase the number of deaths and affected localities

RIO DE JANEIRO.- Brazilian authorities confirmed the death of 175 people and the disappearance of 38 more due to devastating floods in the state of Rio Grande do Sulin the south of Brazil. These rains, considered the worst in decades, began at the end of April, causing a catastrophe in the region.

More than 600,000 people have been displaced from their homes due to the tragedy. In total, nearly 2.4 million people in 478 of the 497 municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul have been affected in some way by the disaster.

So far, at least 800 injuries have been reported. The hardest hit municipalities include Canoas, Roca Sales and Cruzeiro del Sur, along with the state capital, Porto Alegre. These places have reported the highest number of fatalities.

The intense rainfall began on April 27 in Santa Cruz del Sur and spread to more than 470 locations, saturating the basins of the Taquari, Caí, Pardo, Jacuí, Sinos and Gravataí rivers, which eventually caused them to overflow.

The water flooded entire municipalities, destroying homes, businesses and infrastructure. Most of the deceased have been victims of landslides or have been swept away by torrential waters.

Disease Spread

Unprecedented flooding in southern Brazil has sparked growing concern about the spread of diseases, especially leptospirosis, a bacterial infection commonly transmitted by rodents.

Health authorities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul have confirmed at least five deaths due to this disease, with another nine suspected cases still under investigation.

The stagnant waters that have covered vast areas following the floods have not only left a trail of destruction, but have also created an environment conducive to the proliferation of bacteria, exposing residents, rescue teams and volunteers to significant health risks.

This disease, acquired mainly through contact with the urine of infected animals, presents flu-like symptoms, such as fever, chills and vomiting, which can appear within days or weeks after exposure.

Faced with this scenario, authorities have intensified prevention measures, including awareness campaigns on social networks and the promotion of early seeking medical attention for those who present symptoms after being exposed to contaminated water.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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