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You may have missed this, but the creator of the breathtaking series breaking BadVince Gilligan, slipped several vibrant tributes to a person dear to his heart throughout the series.

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The creator of breaking Bad, the series broadcast on Netflix which immerses us in the daily life of a chemistry professor who begins manufacturing methamphetamine, is one of the most acclaimed showrunners of his generation. Vince Gilligan, many times rewarded for his work, has made a habit of launching challenges to the most attentive fans. The credits of breaking Bad, for example, hides the chemical formula “C10H15N”, which is none other than that of methamphetamine. Another fun fact is that Saul Goodman’s character’s name is taken from the English expression “It’s all good, man“, either “It’s okay, man” in French. Vince Gilligan also slipped throughout the series to a deceased person, dear to his heart.

breaking Bad : Vince Gilligan paid tribute to his deceased aunt

In the midst of the incessant whirlwind of events that follow one another in breaking Badyou had to have eagle eyes to notice this heartbreaking wink in episode 4 of season 2, titled Down. One of the scenes filmed in Jesse Pinkman’s (Aaron Paul) bedroom shows a photograph of Walter White’s (Bryan Cranston) sidekick taken with his aunt, who left him her house after she died of lung cancer . What appears at first glance to be a very ordinary family photo actually hides a moving tribute since the woman in the photo is none other than Vince Gilligan’s real aunt, Ginny Lambert, who also died of cancer before the launch of the series.

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The name Lambert appears several times in the series

On the podcast Breaking Bad InsiderVince Gilligan explained that it was close to his heart to pay a sweet and tender tribute to “a woman he misses a lot“. It was not the first time that Vince Gilligan evoked the memory of his aunt in the series, thus injecting the story with a more touching and personal dimension. Indeed, the name “Lambert” is distilled to multiple times in breaking Bad, since it is the last name of two key characters, Skylar White (Anna Gunn), and Marie Schrader (Betsy Brandt). In another sequence from season 5, Walter White even adopts the pseudonym “Lambert”. A subtle and delicate way of remaining consistent with one of the underlying themes of the series, namely the importance of family ties.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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