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Feijo travels to Ermua to pay tribute to Miguel Angel Blanco, murdered by ETA 27 years ago

The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, travels this Wednesday to Ermua (Vizcaya) to participate in the traditional tribute that your training does every year to your councilor Miguel Angel Blancomurdered by the terrorist group ETA 27 years ago.

The event will start at 10.30 am with a floral offering next to the sculpture in homage to the victims of terrorism. In addition to Feijóo, The sister of the murdered councillor and PP senator, María del Mar Blanco, will also speak.; the president of the PP in the Basque Country, Javier de Andrés; and the deputy for Vizcaya and national president of Nuevas Generaciones, Beatriz Fanjul.

Since he embarked on national politics, Feijóo has traveled every year in July to Ermua to pay tribute to Blanco. In his first year, when he had only been in office as president of the PP for three months, he was the in charge of closing the event for the 25th anniversary of his assassination alongside former Prime Minister José María Aznar.

And last yearin the midst of the campaign for the general elections of July 23organised his agenda to find a time to take to Ermua his promise to prevent convicted ETA members from standing for election by law.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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