Breaking news, live: optimism in the PSOE to invest Illa in Catalonia

The PSOE reunites its Federal Executive

The Federal Executive Committee of the PSOE will meet this Tuesday at 13:00 at the socialist headquarters on Ferraz Street after the Preliminary agreement reached with ERC to appoint the socialist leader, Salvador Illa, as president of the Generalitat, according to sources from the PSOE who spoke to Europa Press.

The pre-agreement, as explained by ERC spokesperson Raquel Sans, in a press conference, provides that Catalonia leaves the common regime and that the Catalan Tax Agency manages, settles, collects and inspects all taxes (starting with personal income tax), as well as creating a Department of Language Policy in the Government.

Yes indeed, The party will submit the pre-agreement to a vote of its nearly 8,700 memberswho will validate or not the decision through a consultation – telematic and in person – that will finally take place this Friday and whose result will be “binding.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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