Bunions: why do they appear and how can they be eliminated naturally?

The exact causes of bunions are not always clear, but it is thought that they may be related to family history, wearing narrow, pointed-toed, or high-heeled shoes, or bone structure, since some people have a genetic predisposition to bunions. having a bone structure that increases the risk of bunions. Flat feet can also contribute to the appearance of this deformity.

It is estimated that around 23% of adults over the age of 18 worldwide may have bunions. However, it should be noted that these figures may vary.

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Bunion treatment can vary depending on the severity and symptoms. In mild cases, steps can be taken to alleviate pain and discomfort, such as wearing larger, more comfortable shoes, applying ice to reduce swelling, or using orthopedic devices such as toe spreaders to align them properly.

In more severe cases or when symptoms interfere with quality of life, surgery may be considered to correct the deformity and relieve pain. However, it is always advisable to consult a doctor specializing in orthopedics or podiatry to obtain an accurate diagnosis and determine the best treatment plan based on individual needs.

In more severe cases or when symptoms interfere with quality of life, surgery may be considered to correct the deformity and relieve pain.

  • Suitable footwear: Wear comfortable shoes that fit your feet well and have enough room for your toes. Pointed-toed shoes and high heels can put pressure on the toes and encourage the development of bunions. Opt for shoes with a round or almond-shaped toe and a moderate heel to distribute weight more evenly across your foot.
  • Suitable size: Be sure to wear the correct shoe size for your feet. Shoes that are too tight can cause undue friction and pressure on the toes and contribute to the development of bunions.
  • Orthopedic supports: If you have flat feet or abnormal bone alignment, consider wearing insoles or orthotics to improve weight distribution and foot alignment.
  • Exercises and stretches: Perform specific exercises and stretches to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the foot. This can help maintain good alignment and reduce the chance of deformities.
  • Avoid prolonged use of high heels: Limit prolonged use of high-heeled shoes, as this can change the distribution of weight on the foot and increase pressure on the toes.
  • Rest: Give your feet adequate rest after long periods of activity or wearing tight-fitting shoes. This allows the feet to recover and decreases pressure on the toes.
  • Watch for early symptoms: If you notice any early signs of a bunion, such as redness, swelling, or discomfort in your big toe joint, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Early treatment can prevent the bunion from getting worse and causing more discomfort.


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