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With the arrival of King Charles III in France this week, the set of L’heure des Praud on CNews gave rise to a small reprimand from Pascal Praud to one of his columnists.

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One year after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, it was September 8, 2022 at the age of 96, her son Charles became the new King of England. A destiny that took time to establish, since his mother was the longest monarch in modern history with no less than 70 years of reign. Married to the queen consort, Camilla Parker-Bowles, Charles III does not intend to celebrate this sad anniversary during his visit to France this week, a trip which took a long time to make since he first had to go to the Hexagon at the start of the year. But due to protests against pension reform, the English sovereign had to review his plans, and instead left for Germany for his first state trip.

“The Myth of Diana”: when a short sentence from a columnist makes Pascal Praud react

Logically, most major television channels modified their programs to follow this event, including a descent of the legendary Champs-Élysées, as well as a dinner at the Palace of Versailles, as Charles de Gaulle did with Queen Elizabeth II in 1957 and 1972. The former palace of the kings of France will therefore be the object of all eyes for a day. But during Time for the pros presented by Pascal Praud, and obviously dedicated to this visit of all honors, Philippe Bilger, one of the show’s columnists, let himself go a little, when he reacted to the words of Éric Naulleau, explaining that Charles III had been “associated with the bad sides of the monarchy” : “I find Eric obviously too severe, Charles III has improved a little. We must not exaggerate the bad role he had at the time, we could say a lot about the myth of Diana and all that .” An end of sentence that makes the entire set react, and in particular Pascal Praud, who doesn’t really appreciate the formula: “Please !”he says mockingly, “but what do you know? Were you there?”before recalling that the guest around the table, Bertrand Decker, knows his subject a little better.

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A three-day visit for Charles III

After passing through Paris then Versailles, where Charles III and Camilla intend to rekindle the flame of the Unknown Soldier and visit the Notre-Dame construction site, the royal couple will make a final stopover in Bordeaux on Friday to meet British and French military personnel. He also plans to promote ecology and reading to the most disadvantaged.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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