Healthy adults who follow a calorie-restricted diet can slow the pace of aging itself, according to a study by researchers at Columbia University in the United States. The results were published on Thursday (9/2), in the magazine Nature Aging.

Calorie restriction is a proven intervention to delay aging in animals. In the new study, researchers investigated for the first time the strategy’s long-term effects in healthy, non-obese humans.

“In worms, flies, and mice, caloric restriction can slow biological aging processes and extend healthy lifespans. Our study aimed to test whether calorie restriction also slows biological aging in humans,” says senior author Daniel Belsky, associate professor of epidemiology at the Columbia Mailman School.

study with humans

The CALERIE study took place at three US research centers, with the participation of 220 non-obese men and women – with a body mass index less than 27 – and aged between 21 and 50 years. They were placed on a 25% restricted caloric intake diet or a normal diet over the course of two years.

Biological aging was measured from blood samples collected from participants at baseline and after 12 and 24 months since starting the restrictive diet.

The samples were used by the researchers to analyze DNA methylation, which corresponds to alterations in the genetic strand that regulate the expression of genes. The researchers focused on three measurements of DNA methylation, known as “epigenetic clocks”.

The PhenoAge and GrimAge markers estimate biological age, a static measure of how much aging a person has experienced, and DunedinPACE, which pinpoints the pace of aging or rate of biological deterioration over time.

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Evidence was found that caloric restriction slowed the pace of aging in volunteers. The effect of the intervention represented a 2% to 3% reduction in the rate of aging.

Now the researchers want to understand the long-term effects of the diet, whether they could translate into a reduction in age-related chronic diseases or their risk factors.

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