After the announcement of her first pregnancy, the former beauty queen Camille Cerf is already the target of some criticism on the Web. She responded with a good sense of repartee this Saturday, May 6.

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On April 27, Camille Cerf shared great news with her Instagram community. It is by posting a behind-the-scenes video of a photo shoot by the sea, alongside his companion, Théo Fleury, that the 28-year-old showed off her baby bump. And to accompany these images filled with tenderness – and captured by our colleagues from Gala -, Miss France 2015, who is now a TV host, wrote: “It’s been five months since we and Theo have been carefully keeping a little secret.“On a real little cloud, the couple are impatient at the idea of ​​welcoming this first child whom they already cover with love. Only, by making her pregnancy public, Camille Cerf has also exposed herself to the derogatory criticism of some Internet users who already accuse him of endangering the health of his baby. But the mother-to-be did not let it go and did not hesitate to shut down her attackers!

Camille Cerf, singled out by internet users

Once the emotion of the announcement subsided, the couple of future parents decided to treat themselves to a relaxing and exotic stay, under the sun of Marrakech. On the program for the former Miss France: sunbathing, reading, a well-stocked fruit plate and a slightly cool swim! Only, by discovering the backstage of these holidays in the sun, some Internet users have allowed themselves to point out one of the behaviors adopted by Camille Cerf : “Not very good, the sun for baby…“, “Beware of the sun during pregnancy. First, for your skin, believe me, it does damage. And in addition, it increases the temperature of the baby and it is not good!“, “Isn’t it bad for the baby to be in the sun?

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Does Camille Cerf really put her baby in danger?

Tired of all these messages, the former Miss France did not go there four ways to prove to Internet users that the mixture of sun and baby does not present any danger. After sharing, in his Instagram story, the result of his research – in which it is written: “Exposing yourself to the sun during your pregnancy does not pose any direct risk to the fetus. but he could suffer from your heatstroke and dehydration.” –, Camille added a humorous pike, which shows her keen sense of repartee: “Insta (messages) are really worse than Doctissimo!

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.


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