"Cars had never entered, until yesterday no Cuban had a business"

In the middle of the constant criticism who keeps getting The Micha Due to his positions regarding his native country, the reggaeton player has just dropped another bombshell, and that is that in his opinion Cuba is currently better in some aspects than it was a few years ago.

Cuba is bad, it has always been bad since I have use of reason. But four programs attacking artists are not going to fix the situation in Cuba. And being outside Cuba I realized something, the change in Cuba has to be from within, from the outside you cannot be saying that you are going to change them,” the artist stated in a recent interview for the YouTube channel Farándula 305.

“I see that silently and in the way of all the little businesses that are here and there things are changing (…) I think it is changing, when I left it was not like it is now. I lived the Special Period in Cuba, I lived until yesterday in Cuba. Since I can remember, Cuba was worse than how I see it now,” the singer insisted.

El Micha’s arguments to support this statement are based on the fact that “cars had never entered Cuba. In Cuba Until yesterday all the cars were American from ’59‘. In Cuba Until yesterday no Cuban had business as I see it now.”

“In Cuba, maybe they took away the children’s milk now, they took away, I don’t know (the egg says one of the presenters of the program), that’s fine, but I lived through times in Cuba when there were no eggs at all,” said the reggaeton player and then he listed the work he went through on the island to buy oil, bright light, times when there were no “ten-peso pan flutes,” when he had to eat “claria de la presa” or not. He was able to go to a restaurant.

“I lived through periods in Cuba when it was not full of electric motorcycles and people doing business and Cubans full of suitcases out and about, that before, a Cuban going to Cuba was a dream from here to Miami,” El Micha recalled.

The reggaeton player emphasized that For him now it is better because it compares with the times he had to live in his country: “Cuba has always been bad, the Cuban has always gone through thousands of vicissitudes and thousands of needs.”

During the interview El Micha refused to wear a cap with the sign “Díaz-Canel singao”, he said that went to Cuba recently and? will continue traveling to his country because he is Cuban, and that precisely for those who criticize artists through the networks without knowing what is happening in their lives is that he brought out his recent song with Lenier Mesa “Pa los Haters”.

For El Micha, it is the decision of each artist whether or not they want to speak out against the Cuban dictatorship: “Politics for me is a toothless old woman and a shameless (…) Here there is more communism than there because whoever does not think like them is above them, boycotting your concerts, they want to throw your career of a thousand years on the floor.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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