Casla Institute requests proof of El Osorbo from the Cuban dictatorship

MIAMI.- The executive director of the Casla Institute, Tamara Suju, requested the Miguel Diaz-Canel in Cuba a proof of life of the Cuban political prisoner, Maykel Castillo Pérez, known as “The Osorbo“, who is in solitary confinement in the Kilo 5 y Medio maximum security penitentiary in Pinar del Río, after being attacked by another inmate, without knowing his state of health.

Through the social network X, the Venezuelan human rights defender considered that the rapper is in serious danger after the aforementioned attack. She also stated that his life is at risk due to the cruelty with which political prisoners are treated by the Cuban dictatorship.

“Maykel denounces that they are trying to kill him in prison. Today we want to raise our voices and demand proof of life. His relatives want to know his physical condition after the attack. Despite having been attacked, he is being punished and the dictatorship is keeping him incommunicado. “said the lawyer.

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In recent days, activist Anamely Ramos posted on Facebook that another common prisoner had been continuously publicly disrespecting Maykel in the past. This occurred at the beginning of his imprisonment and ended with a fight and their separation.

The rapper was arrested two months before the July 2021 protests and subsequently sentenced to nine years in prison, accused of alleged charges of contempt, attack, public disorder, and defamation of institutions and organizations. On the same date, the founder of the San Isidro Movement, Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, was tried and received a five-year sentence.

In her video statement, lawyer Suju recalled that recently the daughter of “El Osorbo” had to leave Cuba due, in her words, to dangers and threats. “We demand proof of life for Maykel Osorbo and freedom for all political prisoners.”

Source: EDITORIAL / Martí Noticias

Tarun Kumar

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