The price of gas per kilowatt hour (kWh) hits a new low during the energy crisis. Several gas suppliers are lowering their prices at the same time.

At the peak of the energy and price crisis, gas was a dominant topic in media reporting. No wonder – after all, the price for a kWh of gas has skyrocketed within a few weeks. According to information from “Verivox”, one kWh of gas cost 40.4 cents on September 1st – a record. In the meantime he has energy market calm again. The gas price has even leveled off at the pre-war level since December. Since the end of January, the price of gas has continued to fall.

Gas price falls drastically to its lowest value since 2021: the reasons at a glance

As of February 16, comparison portals give the gas price at 11.8 cents – a new low. The reasons given for the positive development of gas prices in Germany were the mild weather and the resulting weak demand. In addition, the level of gas storage further stable. According to the latest data from the leading association “GIE”, the fill level in all German storage facilities was just over 73 percent on February 11th. Thanks to the new LNG terminals, there are also fewer concerns about gas shortages.

The falling gas price on the market has positive consequences for consumers. Many providers lower the prices and attract new customers with low tariffs. The price of electricity in Germany is also falling – we have listed the cheapest providers for you. Such a list can also be drawn up for consumers in the gas sector. The comparison portal “Verivox” evaluated this data for “BILD”. Our editors have the data. The following gas provider currently offer the cheapest gas prices in Germany:

Gas price hits a new low: These providers score with low tariffs

gas provider (Work) price per kWh

MAINGAU Energie GmbH

11.30 cents

MONTANA Energieversorgung GmbH & Co. KG

12.12 cents


11.54 cents

Knauber natural gas GmbH

11.76 cents

gold gas GmbH

11.87 cents

Yippie GmbH

11.90 cents

Fuxx-Die Sparenergie GmbH

11.81 cents

Brillant Energie GmbH – a brand of Stadtwerke

12.20 cents

R(H)EINPOWER – a brand of Stadtwerke Duisburg

12.20 cents

eprimo GmbH

12.26 cents

Gas price at pre-war level: It pays to change provider – expert calculates

The “Verivox” data is from February 12th. Due to the daily changing gas prices, the amounts given in the table may have changed again. However, the average gas price has only fallen recently – higher energy prices per kWh are therefore unlikely. However, the falling prices raise a completely different question: Is it worth switching providers again at the moment? The current gas prices some providers make the price comparison attractive again.

“Verivox” energy expert Lundquist Neubauer told our editorial team: “A family with a gas consumption of 20,000 kWh per year saves by switching, taking into account the price brake an average of 319 euros.” Without the electricity and gas price brake that has been in force since January 2023, the savings be even higher. The reason: the more expensive electricity and gas tariffs with work prices of more than 40 cents are subsidized by the state via the price brake – a disadvantage of the state relief.

Gas prices make switching providers lucrative: you should bear this in mind when comparing prices

However, they are price brakes initially limited to the end of 2023 – switching providers to a cheaper tariff can therefore still be worthwhile. The Federal Association of Consumer Organizations (vzbv) also makes this recommendation in an evaluation for the “Hessian Radio” out of. The analysis shows that for the majority of gas customers in Germany, switching providers can be worthwhile again. “In the majority of the cities surveyed, the prices for the basic service were again well above the prices for the special contracts,” says Sabine Lund from the vzbv.

But even if many suppliers are tempting with a cheap gas price – consumers should always exercise a certain amount of caution and Offers look closely. “Comparison portals on the Internet work like brokers,” the vzbv said to the “Daily News”: “Sometimes they only list selected companies and collect a commission for each brokered contract.” The platforms are therefore not acting altruistically and are at least partly not neutral.

Gas suppliers lure with low tariffs: But not only the gas price is decisive

In addition, additional requirements or certain bonus payments often make it difficult to compare providers. Switch bonuses, credits or staggered prices sound nice at first – but the bottom line is that many consumers often pay significantly more in such a tariff, at least in part, and only get away cheaper in the initial phase of the contract period. A fixed price promises a certain level of security. That means: The gas price is laid down in the contract for the entire term.

In contrast to flexible tariffs, fixed-price tariffs are more expensive – but many were able to, especially during the energy crisis consumer benefit from it. But regardless of whether it is gas or heating oil – there is always a certain risk. Unforeseeable events such as the war in Ukraine or the weather can affect market prices. A rethinking has therefore also increasingly started during the energy crisis. Away from classic fuels and instead rely on heat sources that work independently of heating oil and gas – that is the idea.

Renew gas heating: Subsidy and exchange bonus – consumers benefit from this

The heat pump is becoming more and more important here. In contrast to a gas heating system, the heat pump is significantly more expensive – but only in the purchase. Over the years, the costs for a heat pump are amortized by the energy saved – this effect does not exist with gas or oil heating. In addition, there is a government subsidy of up to 40 percent for regenerative systems such as heat pumps or pellet heating systems. consumer with an old oil or gas heating system can benefit from the “heating exchange bonus”.

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