Charles III receives the Japanese Emperor Naruhito and his wife at Buckingham

LONDON.- He rey Carlos III paid tribute this Tuesday to British-Japanese relations at a banquet held at the Buckingham Palace in honour of the State visit to the United Kingdom of Japanese Emperor Naruhito and his wife Masako.

“Our partnership has deep roots,” declared the British monarch in his speech regarding the first state visit by a Japanese emperor since 1998, naming the ‘deep friendship’ that unites the two island nations.

At the sumptuous dinner, Charles III praised the economic relationship and: “the shared values ​​of freedom, democracy and the rule of law that are more important than ever.”

Celebrating the cultural exchanges between both countries, the king wished a happy birthday to the famous Japanese animated character Hello Kitty, a white cat who lives in an English suburb and who is turning fifty.

The visit of the imperial couple began on Tuesday with a pompous reception in the main square of Horse Guards Parade in central London. Naruhito, 64, and the empress, 60, then went by carriage to Buckingham Palace alongside the British monarchs.

The emperors arrived in London on Saturday and held informal activities over the weekend.

Emperor’s commitments

The visit, which will last until Thursday, takes place a week before the British legislative elections on July 4. To avoid interfering in the campaign, Japanese sovereigns will not go to Downing Street to meet with Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Sunak was, however, present at the reception banquet, as was the leader of the Labour opposition, Keir Starmer, the big favourite in the election.

The Princess of Wales, wife of crown prince William and treated for cancer, did not attend the reception. Kate Middleton has been away from public life for six months, but recently took part in the King’s birthday parade.

Carlos III, 75, also suffers from cancer diagnosed at the beginning of the year, but resumed his public commitments in April.

Princess Anne, sister of Charles III, was also absent, having been hospitalized since Monday for minor injuries and a concussion following an accident allegedly caused by a horse.

Naruhito will visit the Francis Crick Institute on Wednesday, at the forefront of British biomedical research.

On Thursday they will visit a manga exhibition in the children’s wing of the Victoria and Albert Museum and will go to Windsor Castle to lay a wreath at the grave of Queen Elizabeth II, whose funeral they attended in September 2022.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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