You are currently viewing Charles III’s demand made to Emmanuel Macron on the occasion of his visit to France

Charles III and Camilla Parker-Bowles will make their first official visit to France from September 20 to 22, 2023. The king did not hesitate to inform the Elysée of some of his requirements for this trip, as revealed The Parisian.

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It was only a postponement! Last March, King Charles III had to cancel his first official visit to France after his coronation because of the numerous demonstrations which shook the country following the use of article 49-3 to push through pension reform. . If Gérald Darmanin had initially affirmed that the visit could take place despite the climate of tension in the country, Emmanuel Macron preferred to request the postponement of his visit as a security measure. The first meeting was thus missed, but they finally managed to find a date for this event: from September 20 to 22, 2023. Indeed, from this Wednesday, September 20, King Charles III and Camilla Parker-Bowles will be in the Capital and will have to respect an extremely busy schedule. During these few days, they will visit the Arc de Triomphe, the Champs-Élysées, Versailles and even the construction site of Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral.

Charles III in France: what are his requirements for this trip?

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King Charles III expressed a certain requirement to the Élysée for his visit to France with Camilla Parker-Bowles. Indeed, “sensitive to the idea of ​​following in one’s mother’s footsteps”as the Élysée confided in the columns of Parisianthe monarch shared with them the wish to dine in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, like his mother did Elizabeth II in 1957 after his coronation. A request that they of course accepted. “It is the pinnacle in terms of official reception offered by the Republic. Few foreign heads of state have had this privilege”, the palace told our colleagues. According to the Élysée, this wish is part of a desire to “make France shine” through “the most famous place outside our borders”. For this event, no less than 150 people are invited to dine in Versailles on dishes concocted by the best French chefs: Anne-Sophie Pic, Yannick Alléno and Pierre Hermé.

Charles III and Camilla Parker-Bowles are close to Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron

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Charles III and Camilla Parker-Bowles are particularly close to the Macron couple. “They have an extremely warm relationship, they appreciate each other, cultivate their cordial understanding, respect each other enormously. Same between Brigitte and Camilla”confided Stéphane Bern in the columns of Parisian this Tuesday, September 19. Emmanuelle Macron would also have been particularly affected by the cancellation of their first official visit, since it was the first for the royal couple since the coronation, an important symbol.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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