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everything is different

Chris Hemsworth discovered months ago that he is at high risk of suffering Alzheimer’s and he wanted to turn his life around to try to avoid it. The actor has revealed how his routines have changed since that diagnosis.

Chris Hemsworth He gave all his fans terrible news in November 2022: he had a good chance of suffering from Alzheimer’s when he was old. Made a blood test and I discovered that I had two alterations in the APOE4 gene, one from his mother’s side and another from his father’s side.

This meant that I suffered a great risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s. Specifically, the doctor warned him that he was between 8 and 10 times more likely to suffer from it than the normal population.

Given this news, he assured that he would be more selective with his roles to work less and be able to spend more time with his family: “Now, “If something is going to take me away from my family and my children, it has to be something positive, constructive, a collaborative experience.”.

When almost a year has passed since this diagnosis, the Australian has granted an interview toMen’s Health and has revealed that his life has changed a lot since then.

Less strength training and more free time

“I’ve always been pretty consistent with my exercise commitments, but lately I have really felt the importance of taking time for yourself. without any voice or external stimulus and making time for stillness,” said the Thor actor, who admitted that he has stopped training so intensely.

Now he prioritizes cardiovascular exercise: “I’m lifting weights less frequently than before and I’m incorporating more cardiovascular and resistance exercises, which I prefer to heavy bodybuilding sessions.

Furthermore, he has run away from commitments a bit and has started to enjoy “solitude” and free time. Alzheimer’s diagnosis “triggered something in me that made me want to take some time off.”

“I’ve been completing the things I was already hired to do,” he said, noting that he thinks about “going home and… having a good amount of free time and just simplifying.” “Be with the children, be with my wife.”

The Australian is working hard to avoid suffering from Alzheimer’s.

Tarun Kumar

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