You are currently viewing Cindy Van Der Auwera (Large Families) unveils her astonishing new project

Since she no longer shares her daily life as a mother of eleven children in Large families: life in XXL, Cindy Van Der Auwera opens up to new projects. The latest one is amazing!

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Cindy Van Der Auwera never ceases to amaze us! Docu-reality star Large family: life in XXL for several seasons, the mother of eleven children finally decided to leave the program. Since leaving the TF1 family show, she has tried new things alongside her position as a National Education nurse. This summer, for example, she agreed to work in a campsite, “I’m so happy, this summer, I’m joining the Village Tropical campsite team. I will be the animation manager“, she revealed on her social networks. For the start of the school year, Sébastien’s wife decided to embark on a brand new astonishing project. She revealed, this Thursday, September 21, that she will be the godmother of the Miss Curvy committee !

Cindy Van Der Auwera, godmother of the Miss Curvy beauty pageant

A new adventure begins for Cindy Van Der Auwera. The mother joins the committee of the official beauty of curves competition in France, Miss Curvy. She announced the good news on her Instagram account,I officially became a godmother of the Miss Curvy committeeshe indicated before rejoicing, “I am proud to be able to assist all these women in their personal journey of affirmation.“The former participant of Large families then explained why this role is close to her heart, she who has experienced an impressive weight loss, “The gaze of others and fatphobia are all too present these days. From a very young age, girls feel excluded if they don’t fit into ‘the norms’. But what is the norm? You always have to fit into the boxes: not too big, too small, too fat, too skinny“, she expressed before adding the objective of her mission, “But isn’t the important thing to feel good, to accept yourself in order to assert yourself and to accept the difference of others? Accepting yourself means projecting a positive image of yourself which will change your outlook from others. The person will then only see your qualities and ignore the small faults.

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Cindy Van Der Auwera receives support from Internet users

For this new project, Cindy Van Der Auwera can count on the support of Internet users. Many have commented on the publication where she announces that she is the godmother of the Miss Cury beauty contest. “Well done Cindy“, “Miss Curvy really chose a top godmother!“, “congratulations“, we can read in the comments. Others thank the mother for carrying this message, “Your message touches me a lot because it is true that when we do not fit the mold, we are pointed at and we feel heavy looks on us.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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