Gloria Serra, upset with the investigation team for Daniel Sancho's report

Investigative Team is one of the most traditional Spanish programs that is still broadcast. On the verge of turning thirteen years at laSexta, her presenter Gloria Serra grants an interview to Collpase, on TV3, where she reviews her successful professional career and He remembers his anger with the production over Daniel Sancho’s report that opened this season. I didn’t see it, she says.

The journalist defends that the installments of Investigation Team always aim to contribute something new to current affairs, something that she believed was not going to happen with the macabre crime of Edwin Arrieta in Thailand at the hands of the son of Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo. In addition, Gloria Serra had been working on another report, which was the one that was scheduled to begin the new batch of broadcasts.. When they told me, I got angry, she says.

What are we going to explain?

It’s been two months since There are already two hundred Spanish journalists explaining everything related to crime by Daniel Sancho. What are we going to explain? he scolded his team in the production meeting. Well yes, we got it. We got testimonies from people who had not spoken to the Police, a testimony that showed that they were already investigating him before he turned himself in…, he acknowledges with great pride.

We put out good material, but I didn’t see it because we are going to do things that people have not done Because, if not, we’re not going…, the television station on the Catalan regional channel ended up saying, boasting of the good work of its entire laSexta team.

last minute of the Sancho case

It will be next December 12 when Daniel Sancho has a new hearing before the judge. Gives key in the defense must present all evidence that allows the accused to demonstrate that he did not act with premeditation and thus be able to escape the death penalty. The Samui justice system will once again read him the three charges of which he accuses him: premeditated murder, concealment of the victim’s body and destruction of other people’s documentation. It should be remembered that the Spaniard only pleaded guilty to the last two.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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