Exclusive surveys: Citizens slap Habeck and dissect the economic policy of the Greens

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For weeks, the Greens and especially their economics minister Habeck have been criticized, whether because of the heating transition or because of personal details in the ministry. A series of surveys now shows how citizens view the Greens and Habeck.

Robert Habeck is Vice Chancellor and, as Economics and Climate Minister, holds one of the most important posts in the traffic light government. And he is considered a possible candidate for Chancellor of the Greens in the next federal elections.

But for weeks Habeck has been producing almost exclusively negative headlines. First he got vehemently

Headwind for the heating transition, which his house came up with together with the Ministry of Construction. And then there was the affair surrounding his State Secretary Patrick Graichen. The suspicion: nepotism in his ministry.

Lost confidence in Habeck

The people in the country resent all of this for him and the Greens. Not only do they consider the party’s economic policy to be miserable, they are also increasingly losing confidence in Habeck himself and his party’s economic and climate policies. This is shown by a series of surveys conducted by the opinion research institute Civey for FOCUS online.

A clear majority of the citizens surveyed, 64 percent, has lost confidence in Habeck because his State Secretary Graichen wanted to give a prominent post to an acquaintance. Only just under a third of those questioned have not lost their trust in Habeck. Backing from the Green supporters: 82 percent of them support Habeck.

But even more bitter for the eco-party: an overwhelming majority, namely 73 percent, assesses the current economic policy of the Greens in the federal government as negative. Only the majority of supporters of the Greens rated it positively.

Three out of four respondents, 74 percent, are also of the opinion that the current policy of the Greens in the federal government is rather harmful for Germany as a business location. Here, too, only supporters of the Greens have a different opinion.

The Union is more likely to be able to combine climate and economic policy

Robert Habeck started with the aim of combining climate and economic policy. The reason why he has taken responsibility for climate protection in his super department. But many people apparently don’t believe that he and his party can do just that: only 19 percent of those surveyed believe the Greens are capable of doing so, shows another Civey survey. The Union has earned the most trust here: 30 percent of citizens are of the opinion that the conservatives can successfully combine economic and climate policy.

Another point of criticism of Habeck and the Greens in recent weeks: they overwhelm people with their measures, asking too much of them in the name of climate protection. The Civey data confirm this impression. A clear majority of the people surveyed in this country, 65 percent, reject the following statement: “I am willing to accept financial cuts in order to be able to make a contribution to climate protection.” Only about a quarter (26 percent) agree Here, too, there is a dichotomy: Green supporters agree with the statement by a large majority, while supporters of all other parties disagree.

In short: the data shows what was to be expected from the falling numbers in the election polls in recent weeks: the Greens are in a difficult situation. It might reassure them a little that their own clientele, at least for the most part, remains favorable to them. The majority of Greens supporters, 65 percent, believe that the current economic policy of the Greens in the federal government corresponds to what they expected from the party.


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