Citizens advertised recently that their new smart watch through AI will teach the watch your patterns and it can warn you if you are too inefficient or too tired.

They have developed the Youq app and used technology used by IBM Watson studio and NASA to create a smartwatch that reads your daily patterns and learns how to optimize your day. When you should be at your most productive during the day and need a little push to increase the pace, the idea is that AI should keep track of you not breaking your patterns too much and help you have as efficient and productive a day as possible.

Citizen’s new watch needs seven to ten days to store the pattern and then it notices what times you usually sleep and when you are most active during the day. The idea is that the watch should in some way help you on occasions when it notices you are too inactive to be able to break that pattern if necessary to optimize your day. Not only does it spy on what your day looks like, but it senses how effective it is at alerting you and tries to improve on it.

What do you think? will AI soon take over technology more and more?

What does AI get next, really, your shoes?


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