Companies must upload the projections of their imports in this 2023, so from iProfessional we tell you how to do it

By iProfessional

09/04/2023 – 19,20hs

Year by year the companies must complete the well-known “Excel” in which they establish their comex projections 2023 for him foreign trade. However, this year some changes have been applied, since most companies will have to complete it, since generally only a small number of companies did it

What is the Comex 2023 form?

It is already available form for companies to load the projections of foreign trade in this 2023. It consists of a Excel which must be presented to the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP).

As we mentioned earlier, the main change is that currently most companies are reached by this obligation, while in ancient times only large importers or companies with “important” needs in terms of import like the automotive industry.

In addition, there were companies that imported goods and received “special” treatment under the so-called non-automatic licences, better known as LNA. In this sense, taking into account that 25% of the companies under this treatment went to 50%, in addition to the fact that the SIRA does not distinguish a treatment between the automatic and non-automatic licences, generated that almost all companies must register.

That is, the companies that imported goods under automatic license they must also fill out the form, when previously it did not correspond to them. Another of the changes is the greater request for information by the tax authorities, although, in general, it is about data with which AFIP it already counts.


Many of the data requested by AFIP are already in its database

Among the data, “general” data of the company such as the CUIT and his main activityinformation about your Executive Director, employees, money projected for investments, providers, local salesamong others.

In addition, it should be incorporated that products they want each other matter and what exports are made to know the “balance” Between both.

Step-by-step guide: how to download the “Comex 2023 Projections” form

For descargar he “Comex 2023 projections” form the following steps must be followed:

  • Enter the official page of AFIP and then enter your number KNIFE, CUIL, CREATE it and the clave fiscal correspondent. Then press the “Next” button
  • Then, in the right sidebar, locate the “My Services” section and select the option “Fiscal Key Relations Administrator”
  • Later, it will direct you to “Relationship Manager Service” and click on “Add Service”
  • Locate the button corresponding to the Ministry of Finance and Public Finance and select Interactive Services. Then, in the drop-down menu you must select the option “SC-Contact Request” and then click “Confirm”
  • Then, you must enter the main page of AFIP Services again and select the SC- Contact Request service. In this section the system will display on the screen a “Contact Form” in which the data of your company will appear as company name, CUIT and type of organization. It is important to take into account that the CUIT of the applicant must coincide with that of the importing company
  • The next step is to select the reason for the request. There you must select “COMEX Projections Presentation” and then complete the contact form with your company data. Then you must press the “Continue” button
  • Once the previous step is done, you must download excel file “Presentation of Projections” by clicking on the Excel icon.
  • The next is complete the form contact details of your company. Once this is done you can upload the file from the same section. It should be remembered that when uploading it to the system, the original name and structure of the file must be preserved so that it can be validated by the system.
  • Finally, you will have to click on “Select File”, search for the file and in the “Year” tab you must select 2023. Finally you will have to click on the “Continue” button. In this section the system will return a number of form type “P” such as P11223344as proof of shipment, so you must schedule said number.

By following the steps outlined above, you will be able to complete the form requested by AFIP. It is important to remember that said instructions must be completed as soon as possible, preferably before 11/30.

In addition, in the case of belonging to a business group, you must upload a projection for each CUIT of the group. Said requirement does not replace the presentation of the attachments corresponding to imports with LNA, which must be presented as previously done.


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