Conflict-related sexual violence is used as a torture tactic

MIAMI. – The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Sexual Conflict is June 19. The United Nations indicates that, despite widespread awareness and condemnation, this type of crime continues to be committed around the world.

The HIM It also notes that, in 2023, “horrific reports” of sexual violence were recorded in places such as Sudan, Haiti and Israel. In this sense, one of the important aspects is that in many cases “those responsible go unpunished while the survivors spend their entire lives recovering.”

This anniversary was established by the UN General Assembly in 2015. Conflict-related sexual violence involves rape, sexual slavery, forced prostitution, forced pregnancies, forced sterilization and “any other act of serious sexual violence against women, men or children who have a direct or indirect connection with a conflict”.

“Conflict-related sexual violence is a devastating form of aggression and repression, which has harmful and lasting effects on the physical, sexual, reproductive and mental health of survivors and destroys the social fabric of communities,” says the Secretary General. of the UN, António Guterres.

Likewise, the United Nations asserts that “conflict-related sexual violence is used as a tactic of war, torture and terrorism.” In this context, women and girls face brutal forms of sexual violence, and armed groups generally control access to medical services.

Hospitals as a spillway

From the HIM It is highlighted that the hospitals and other health facilities “should be a beacon of safety and relief for all people who have been injured in conflict, such as those who have survived the violence sexual. “That is a fundamental principle of international humanitarian law.”

In the middle of the areas in conflict in the world, the organization points out that “disregard for international law, weapons proliferation and increasing militarization are exacerbating sexual violence and posing serious threats to the security of civilians, including vulnerable groups.”


Source: United Nations / International Day Portal

Tarun Kumar

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