Anti-monarchy protesters and climate activists gathered in Trafalgar Square, London, this Saturday morning ahead of the start of the coronation ceremony for Charles III.

They make their voices heard on this particular day. A dozen people were arrested this Saturday morning in London where they were preparing to demonstrate against the coronation of King Charles III, the organizers of the demonstration told AFP. Among them are six anti-monarchy activists and climate activists.

“Not my king”

Police arrested “six of our organizers and seized hundreds of signs” bearing the slogan “Not my King” (not my king), told AFP a spokesman for the group Republic, of which hundreds of supporters were gathered early Saturday morning in Trafalgar Square, on the route of the procession.

The British anti-monarchy organization Republic denounced on Twitter the arrest of at least six of its members, in particular gathered around Trafalgar Square.

Republic President Graham Smith is among those arrested, the group said. “Free Graham Smith”, shouted the demonstrators on the spot

Environmental activists mobilized

The environmental group Just Stop Oil also said that 19 of its activists had been arrested near the route planned for the procession. The group had planned to demonstrate on the occasion of the coronation to oppose the exploitation of hydrocarbons in the country.

The authorities “repress our legitimate right to demonstrate”, but “we will continue to do everything possible without violence to get out of oil and gas”, the group said in a statement sent to AFP.

An activist from the environmental group "Just Stop Oil" arrested by police on the day of the coronation of Charles III, in London, May 6, 2023
An activist from the environmental group “Just Stop Oil” arrested by police on the day of the coronation of Charles III, in London, May 6, 2023 © Loïc VENANCE / AFP

London police have confirmed seven arrests of people “on suspicion of various offenses including disturbing the public order and conspiring to disturb the public order in the vicinity of the coronation”.

Human Rights Watch denounces “worrying” arrests

The NGO Human Rights Watch denounced these arrests. “Reports of people being arrested for peacefully protesting the coronation are incredibly disturbing,” the organization’s UK official, Yasmine Ahmed, said in a statement.

“It’s something you expect to see in Moscow, not in London,” she said.

The arrests come after a senior police official, Christian Bunt, warned on Friday that protests that disrupt the coronation would be treated with “a lower level of tolerance”.


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