the vice president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner gave a masterful talk, within the framework of the launch of the Néstor Kirchner Justicialista School (EJNK), at the Argentine Theater of La Plata, in which she launched at least three sentences that distance her from a possible presidential candidacy: “Don’t do the curls”he said at the start; “Not President”responded at another time to the cries of “Cristina President; “I already lived and gave everything I had to give”expressed later and finally ruled that “It is necessary that nothing depends on a single person again, it is necessary to rebuild government programs”.

“This is going to be more than just a master class… don’t make your curls, I already told you”, the vice president had started after hearing the song “Cristina Presidenta”, causing the explosion of the Ginastera Room. She did so after praising the governor Axel Kicillof for the state in which the Teatro Argentino was left after its reopening.

It was a message that went through different moments in Argentine economic history and included a moment of greatest tension, especially when he installed -without naming him- Javier Miley in the upcoming electoral scenario: “The only leader who was convicted, proscribed, and tried to assassinate, is only one, and I don’t want to be self-referential, but those jerks who say that the caste is afraid, what are they afraid of if nothing ever happened to you? Cheeks”the vice president bellowed.

The master class began with a memory of April 27, 2003, when Nestor Kirchner obtained 22% of the votes and came in second behind Carlos Menem before he got out of the second round, proclaiming the man from Santa Cruz as president. And in that initial stretch he dabbled in the idea of ​​”dollarizing” that some sectors are trying to impose.

“In this circular Argentina it is like the past appears in the present. Today we are in a situation in which figures, ideas and facts from the past appear to condition us and to condition the future. The past becomes present and perhaps frustrates the future, that’s why I will try to analyze and think without adjectives, because the problem we have today is not only in politics is the excess of qualification and adjectives. This is how a position is taken and it is impossible to analyze ”, he said at the beginning of his speech.

“The history of the Argentine Republic is the history of the dollarization. I would like to analyze that: they come to tell us that what failed years ago today can be the solution”, Cristina added in that first section and continued: “We are discussing what failed 20 years ago and the leaders of the other political sector, of what is today the alliance that was once the government, are also officials for whom the people asked that they all leave.”

“It is an eternal Argentina circular in the characters and the proposals, that is why these spaces for debate and training are important. Summon the young people to think about what happened. It is impossible to move forward in the present and future without knowing what happened,” she added.

“Is a eternal round Argentina in the characters and the proposals”, repeated the vice president and added that “these spaces for debate and training are important. Summon the young people to think about what happened. It is impossible to move forward in the present and future without knowing what happened.” “The issue is that the dollarization it is presented as the answer and the solution to inflation and if we see what is happening in Ecuador, we see that inflation does not stop due to dollarization”, indicated the former head of state when exposing graphs on the monetary situation in Ecuadorian territory.

“When these very harmful theories for society are raised, the truth that one says is it possible that 20 years later we are discussing what failed in Argentina 20 years before? What happens to us compatriots? She is an Argentine who returns to her ghosts. I am not saying that we are right, but do not tell me that I have to go back to solve the present and the future, ”she raised again about dollarization.

“There is a point of contact with that past, but not in terms of the economic model, it must be said: today we have growth but with low wages and a new phenomenon is taking place, with poor income distribution. for the first time workers in a dependency relationship who are poor. It is a new challenge that we have, “he commented and added:” The growth will be taken by four living, which is what is happening now.

The vice president insisted that there is a point of contact with the past and referred to the return to the IMF, which is a “ballast for the country.” “No one with intellectual honesty cannot affirm that it is something negative for the country”he commented. And about inflation he pointed out: “This agreement with the IMF is inflationary because it is a canned policy that is applied as a single-issue recipe in all countries. The main cause of the price variation is the variation of the dollar”. It was then that he sentenced: “It is necessary to review that agreement with the IMF. They say that in the IMF there are hawks and doves, as in the Argentine opposition.analyzed and later joked that she is a “penguin”, a bird that moves collectively, said: “We are collective, the hawks go alone,” he ironized.

“He was right Sergio (Masa) when he said that the country was going to grow, but I said that this growth should not be carried away by four living, which is what is happening”, he pointed out in another section, recalling the act of December 2020 at the “Diego Armando Maradona” Stadium. from La Plata.

In the section in which the vice president told how she had faced one of the currency runs during her administration, she gave another of the messages that contradicts a possible presidential candidacy: “Sitting on the reserves, with the regulation, we were able to stifle the currency run.” Before a shout from the public, she returned to calm the clamor: “It is necessary that nothing depend on a single person again, it is necessary to build government programs again”.

About the end came the hottest stretch of the speech. It was when she said “I already gave everything I had to give”, while from the stands she insisted with the cry of “Cristina President”.

“Not President -he gestured-. Here the only leader who was condemned, proscribed, and tried to assassinate, is only one, and I don’t want to be self-referential, but those jerks who say that the caste is afraid, what are they afraid of if they never nothing happened? Cheeky,” he said. And she deepened the fear: “I am afraid for my grandchildren because they are growing up in an unfair and inequitable country. I already lived and gave what I had to give. I fear for the young, for the kids and because there is too much cowardice and hypocrisy,” he reproached and closed by asking Peronism for a government program.


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