Cuban Freemasons Disavow Leader Imposed by Regime

HAVANA.- Cuban Freemasons They do not recognize the Grand Master appointed by the regime, Marío Urquía Carreño, and demanded his departure, while denouncing the interference of State Security in their organization.

“We need to restore morality and order to the Grand Lodge of Cuba“, Iriel Hernández Cobreiro said from the scene.

The situation at the Freemasons’ headquarters is tense, because Urquía Carreño refuses to enter into dialogue with them. The Freemasons gathered at the Grand Lodge denounce the institution as illegitimate and expressed their refusal to recognize Mario Urquía as Grand Master.

Hernández Cobreiro rejected Urquía Carreño as the spokesperson for the Grand Lodge in the dialogue with the regime.

“Cuban Freemasonry is making a very fair claim to everything that is happening and we consider Mr. Urquía Carreño to be a person with very low moral character to occupy the position of Grand Master and represent us and be our voice here or anywhere else in the world,” said Evelio Núñez, of the Eureka lodge.

He also recalled that it was imposed by a state entity, so it is an “interference in the institution.”

“The only objective is the division and destruction of Freemasonry in Cuba… Our responsibility is to maintain Freemasonry and pass it on to our successors… it is above all a moral responsibility, we are not motivated by a feeling of revenge,” said one participant in the meeting.

Last March, Urquía was expelled from the more than 300 lodges in Cuba, considering that he was carrying out his duties in an “illegal” manner. He was not allowed to preside over the semi-annual session of the High Masonic Chamber.

Previously, he had been expelled from the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree for the Republic of Cuba.

In June, the Associations Directorate of the Cuban Ministry of Justice (Minjus) invalidated the expulsion of Mario Urquía Carreño from both the Supreme Council and the Grand Lodge of Cuba, and ordered that he be reinstated in office.

Source: With information from Cubanet

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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