Cuban helps woman selling tamales in downpour in Houston

A Cuban in Houston did not hesitate to get out of his car in the rain to buy tamales from a woman who was selling them on the street. A moment that this man shared on his TikTok profile to applaud the willingness of this Mexican woman to move forward despite adversity, praising her and expressing the pride he felt in seeing her.

The video is available on the TikTok profile of @torresguampy, who says in the video: “Look at this so that you can see that when a person wants to move forward, they don’t care about anything. I found this on the street, during a tornado here in Houston. “A woman selling tamales in a downpour.”

“In the middle of a tremendous struggle. But these things give me tremendous pride. There are women who are looking for excuses not to get ahead. There are pretty and beautiful women but they are lying in bed, and if I can’t because of my nails, For the hair…”he adds, after asking the woman for a bag of tamales, to whom he tipped.

“They realize that when a person wants to get ahead, it doesn’t matter if it’s raining or if it’s wet. That’s why we came to this country. Look at that woman, reaching out. God is in charge of rewarding those people.”concluded the Cuban.

The reactions to this video have not been long in coming. Many commented on how right this Cuban is with his words and dedicated blessings to the working woman.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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