Cuban influencers respond to the regime after inclusion on the terrorist list: "Down with the dictatorship!"

In the last few hours, several of the influencers that appear in the National Terrorist List published this Wednesday by the Official Gazette of Cuba They reacted to its inclusion.

In different tones and styles, so far everyone has agreed that The step taken by the regime will not mean for them a change in their intention to denounce the Cuban government.

“I denounce that this is a new manipulation of the Cuban dictatorship in order to silence the voices that dissent, that denounce and that do not surrender to lies and indoctrination. This is once again a slander and a hoax used by the communists to keep the Cuban people entertained and deceived. Down with the dictatorship!” he said Alexander Otaola in a video broadcast on his networks in which he appeared with an unusual solemnity for him.

More explosive was Alain Paparazzi Cubanwho considered the list an indication that the regime “is on its last legs” and that they are “desperate.”

“All I have done is tell the truth through social networks. We have used a lethal weapon that you have always feared. I am laughing out loud, you are desperate, you are trying to create an enemy when the people “You know that the only enemies are you. Now I am officially a great patriot, because they have made me out to be a suspected terrorist,” he concluded.

Eliécer Ávilaanother of those included, offered statements to Cuban Diary in which he qualified the list of “absurd and stupid”.

“There is a very easy method to know who the terrorists are: Was I the one who divided the Cuban family, the one who ended Cuba, the one who caused the youth to emigrate everywhere, the one who bled the nation, the one who has starving a town?” Ávila questioned.

“No, that’s not me, I’m not the one who curtails freedoms, the one who has more than 1,000 political prisoners is not Eliécer Ávila,” he responded.

“If you want to know who the terrorists are, go out on the streets of Cuba and when you ask a Cuban a political question and see the terror on their face, then ask them quietly and confidently who they are afraid of. If they answer Eliécer Ávila, then maybe the list makes sense, but what he would surely say is that he fears tyranny, the dictatorship of the Castro brothers, of Díaz-Canel, and of all the crooks that govern Cuba. So I I put it as a medal,” he concluded.

Manuel Milanesfor its part, resorted to a brief publication in which it used irony and assured that “they do not waste any more ink.”

“Several times in Con Filo, Mesa Redonda, Gerrero, Razones de Cuba, Juventud Rebelde, NTV, Granma, a Twit from DiazK and now Official Gazette, @PartidoPCC. Don’t waste any more ink. This is a journey of no return and I’m already burned the ships,” he wrote.

Ana Olema and Liu Santiesteban also spoke out about their inclusion, and pointed out that this “croquette attack” was intended to distract from the recent revelation that a US official spent decades serving as an informant for the Cuban government.

This Wednesday, the Cuban regime included several personalities and influencers from Miami in a National Terrorist List published this Wednesday in the official Gazette No. 83 of December 7, 2023.

The list of 61 people and 19 entities which Havana accuses of sponsor terrorism in Cuba, includes several investigative files.

File 71/2021 includes several public figures based in Miami whom it accuses of “inciting the carrying out of actions that affect the social order in Cuba, through violent acts against public officials and the normal functioning of socioeconomic entities; as well as promoting “armed aggression against Cuba”.

Some of them mentioned Alexander Otaola CasalOrlando Gutiérrez Boronat, Eliecer Ávila Cecilia, Liudmila Santiesteban Cruz (Liu Santiesteban), Manuel Milanés Pizonero, Alain Lambert Sánchez (Cuban paparazzi), Jorge Ramón Batista Calero (Ultrack) and Eduardo Arias León.

The information states that the government authorizes the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation and the Minister of the Interior to issue a resolution for their inclusion in the National List of Terrorists.

It clarifies that these people “have been subjected to criminal investigations and are wanted by the Cuban authorities, based on their involvement in the promotion, planning, organization, financing, support or commission of acts carried out in the national territory or in other countries, based on acts of terrorism”.

The list includes other people supposedly linked to terrorist attacks against the dictator Fidel Castro, in Havana hotels during the 90s of the last century and to the recent attacks against the Cuban embassy in Washington.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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