Cuban resident abroad searches for a daughter in Cuba whom he has not seen since 1986

A man from Santiago de Cuba, who currently resides outside the country, asked for help on social networks to find a possible daughter who must live in Pinar del Río.

User Ide Valera posted an emotional call through the Facebook group Sales Pinar del Rio to find the man’s daughter. He did not provide the details of the man from Santiago, nor did he confirm in which country he currently resides, he only shared a current photo of him.

Santiago man is looking for his daughter

“He was in Pinar del Río in 1986 – 1987, when the 19 de noviembre Multipurpose Hall was built. He was a military pilot and had a relationship with a girl who was studying for a degree in Physical Education at the ‘Comandante Manuel Fajardo’ Provincial School of Physical Education (EPEF),” explained Valera.

He said that the man from Santiago does not remember the name of the woman, who is believed to be the mother of his daughter.

Facebook Idea Valera

“He only remembers that she told him she was from Las Palmas (Pinar del Río), that she got pregnant and went with her father to the shelter where he and the other workers stayed. Then he had to go to Santiago de Cuba due to family problems and lost contact with her.”

This Cuban living abroad wants to meet his daughter and stay in touch with her. Valera offered his Facebook account and a contact phone number (5957-2362) for anyone who may have information about this enigmatic case, about which there is little information.

The publication has generated various reactions, with messages of support and criticism of the Cuban father. Some question his intentions, pointing out that too much time has passed for Now look for your daughter.

“It’s been 36 years and now he wants to know about his daughter?” commented one person, while other users expressed their discontent with phrases such as “When he lived in Cuba he wasn’t interested and now, with so many kilometers of separation, he wants to meet her. What an example of a father.”

However, there are also messages of understanding, such as that of an Internet user who expressed: “I think he is being sincere and wants to find the fruit of a love. Maybe they were both very young. Now he wants to acknowledge his daughter. It doesn’t matter how many years have passed, it’s fair. It’s never too late to rectify.”

Valera hopes that her call will raise awareness among those who may have relevant information and will show solidarity with the search, allowing her to finally reunite father and daughter.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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