Cuban shares 5 must-haves for newcomers to the United States

A Cuban woman (@kurly_la_peque) shared a video on TikTok that has gone viral, offering essential advice for those arriving in the United States for the first time. These are the five steps she recommends following:

Search for a job, start immigration procedures, obtain health insurance and hire a telephone line These are the first four essentials that this Cuban woman lists in her TikTok video, highlighting the work permit and social security in the immigration procedures to be carried out upon arriving in the United States.

Regarding acquiring a telephone line, he says that it is key to finding a job and receiving notifications about immigration procedures.

Finally, this Cuban woman recommends having your own car and getting an affordable one to start a new life in the United States. She advises that the vehicle should cost between two and three thousand dollars. If a car is purchased on credit, it could cost between $700 and $800 a month, a high expense for those who have just arrived. Instead, that money could be better invested in starting your own business.

With these tips, the Cuban seeks to guide her compatriots who arrive in the United States, facilitating their adaptation process and helping them avoid common mistakes. These recommendations were appreciated in the comments by dozens of Cubans who are about to arrive or have just arrived in the country.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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