CD Projekt RED talks about what many gamers believe is the game’s biggest flaw. Can we expect it to be fixed in the Phantom Liberty DLC?

Cyberpunk 2077’s chaotic launch is now behind it. The game came under heavy criticism when it was released in December 2020 due to numerous technical issues, a plethora of bugs, and console versions deemed shameful. Since then, CD Projekt RED’s RPG has had the right to real redemption thanks to the release of the life-saving next-gen patch and the rise of the Netflix series. Edgerunners. However, a criticism still persists to this day on one of the important aspects of Cyberpunk 2077 and the developers agree with the players.

CD Projekt responds to a big review of Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 was full of promise before its launch. Open world, living city, customization and branching story whose outcome depends on the player’s choices… the Polish studio had no shortage of arguments before its release. However, many people were very disappointed on one of the narrative aspects of the game. Many indeed agree that the story of the RPG is far too linear, regardless of the decisions made during the adventure or the background departure. Paweł Sasko, the game’s quest director, spoke out on this review for the first time.

In a recent stream on Twitch, the employee of CD Projekt RED was indeed asked about the linearity of Cyberpunk 2077. According to him, the remarks of the players are ” completely justifieds” and even though there are enough mechanics to have two very different parts, he admits that “ it’s not sufficient. According to him, fans were basically expecting much more because of the construction of The Witcher 3 which eclipses all the non-linearity of CP 2077 which he considers to be present in ” crazy amount. »

An error fixed in the Phantom Liberty DLC?

He justifies the lack of branches by a certain inability of the players to see the game as a whole. ” There are lots of big story paths in Cyberpunk 2077 but you see those paths in different ways. I think the small branches were not satisfying enough “, he added during this same speech.

Will CD Projekt RED improve this in the Phantom Liberty expansion? Sasko promises that the development teams will do better in the future and already know how to fix it. As a reminder, Cyberpunk 2077 will be getting a massive paid DLC later this year. The Polish studio does not skimp on the means to make it something even bigger than the additional content of The Witcher 3. Perhaps there will be even more branches this time than in the basic game? We will have to wait for a new, more greedy presentation of the DLC to have more details.


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